翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 52 / 0 Reviews / 2013/09/23 08:58:57

[削除済みユーザ] 52 Ako ay isang Hapon na nakatira sa Pinas.


汚れなき清らかさ、清楚さ。利休はきれいに掃き清められた茶席の庭に小枝をゆすって木の葉を散らしたという。散葉がちらっとあって清ら かさが一層浄浄感を添える。



●Respect (敬 or KEI)
Bowing implies the image of the feudal society, but bowing each other and praying are the spirits of Buddhism.

●Purity (清 or SEI)
Purity means to say a super purity without the shadow of a possibility of obscurity or neatness. Rikyu was brought up to be a person as a person scattering the leaves on a cleanly and neatly swept garden located in front of a tea ceremony event by shaking a small branch of tree. The neatness of scattered leaves add a nice taste of more purity.

●Tranquility (寂 or JYAKU)
The quietness, self-possessed peaceful mind, dead silent, simple and tranquil and Nirvana are the ultimate goal of the Daijo-zen school of Buddhism.

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