翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 61 / ネイティブ 日本語 / 0 Reviews / 2013/08/28 13:46:22

yyokoba 61 日本語<>英語

“All the visually impaired people we tested the app with do not go out alone because they have to rely on strangers for simple tasks like buying mints, paying bills or crossing a small lane. If there’s no one around, they just wait. This app gave them the confidence to step out unsupervised and accomplish simple tasks they previously never attempted.”

Unlike other apps which use preprogrammed routes, Lend an Eye’s mission is not just about taking users from point A to point B. The creators want to enable “the visually impaired to make choices like normal people do.”



あらかじめプログラムされたルートを使う他のアプリとは違い、Lend an Eyeの使命はユーザをA地点からB地点へと移動させることだけではない。作者たちは「視覚障害者が健常者と同じような選択」することを可能にしたいと考えている。

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備考: http://sgentrepreneurs.com/2013/08/23/lend-an-eye-empowers-the-visually-impaired-through-crowdsourced-eyes/