翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 50 / 1 Review / 2013/08/24 00:27:14

yucari 50

こちらとしては、日本の作品はそちらが次に予定しているspecial editionの内容に加えて、1曲だけでもボーナストラックがあるとありがたいですが、可能ですか?曲がない場合は、1曲カバー曲を新たに制作することは可能ですか?理由は、special editionも輸入されると思うので、価格的に日本独自仕様との差別化を図りたいと思っているからです。とりあえず、こちらが使用できるパーツを見てから日本エディションをどういった内容にするか決めたいので、準備ができたら送ってください。


As for me, it would be very great to have even one more bounce track in the special edition you are releasing. Would it possible? If you don't have any more songs, could you make a cover song instead? This is because I would like to have uniqueness in Japanese edition considering of price since special edition will be imported too. First of all, i would like to see parts that I can use for Japanese edition, and decide content of japanese edition, so please send me the parts.

レビュー ( 1 )

nyamababy 52 I am a translator with 6 years experi...
nyamababyはこの翻訳結果を"★★★★"と評価しました 2013/08/24 00:57:29

As for me, it would be very great to have even one more bounce track in the special edition you are releasing. Would it possible? If you don't have any more songs, could you make a cover song instead? This is because I would like to have uniqueness in Japanese edition considering of price since special edition will be imported too. First of all, i would like to see parts that I can use for Japanese edition, and decide content of japanese edition, so please send me the parts.

As for me, it would be very great to have even one more bounce track in the special edition you are releasing. Would it be possible? If you don't have any more songs, could you make a cover song instead? This is because I would like to have uniqueness in Japanese edition considering of price since special edition will be imported too. First of all, i would like to see parts that I can use for Japanese edition, and decide content of Japanese edition, so please send me the parts.
