翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 60 / 0 Reviews / 2013/07/17 15:22:35


As SoundScan was announcing that Taylor Swift had once again topped the charts with a new single Wednesday morning, Pitchfork was publishing its first-ever "People's List" of its readers' favorite albums of the last 15 years. Swift's multi-platinum music, of course, was nowhere to be found.

Spoiler alerts are coming at the end of this sentence, so hit the site first if you don't want to ruin the (utter lack of) surprise.

As for women? The only appearance of a female led (or co-led) act in the top 10 is Regine Chassagne of the band Arcade Fire, and in the top 50 only the XX, Beach House and White Stripes feature female members. That's fewer than 10 women among the hundreds of musicians represented. Hmph.




女性はどうだろうか?トップ10に唯一現れる女性のリーダー(あるいは共同リーダー)はバンド、アーケード・ファイアのレジーナ・シャサーニュで、トップ50以内にはThe XX、ビーチハウス、ホワイト・ストライプスに女性メンバーがいる。これだけいるミュージシャンの中で女性は10名にも満たないのだ。なんてこった。

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