翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 52 / 0 Reviews / 2013/06/12 14:07:09

honeylemon003 52 以前、ホームページの翻訳をさせていただいてから、 翻訳というお仕事にとて...

福岡県Ruby・コンテンツビジネス振興会議は、アジアにおけるコンテンツビジネス発展を促進するため、9月26日から29日、韓国で開催されるコンテンツ見本市「ACE Fair 2013」に福岡県ブース出展を決定。参加企業募集を開始した。



Ruby /Contents Business Export Council of Fukuoka Prefecture has decided to launch a booth in "ACE Fair 2013", which is a contents sample exhibition, will be held in Korea from 9/26 to 29, to promote contents business in Asia, and they have started recruiting for participant company.

Booth charge for participant company, air fare for 1 person per company, the cost of accommodation etc, will be covered by the event organizer. Members of Export Council are the recruitment target, and also a company aiming for overseas expansion which is holding products that match the exhibition categories.
Display products are, broadcast, screen image, animation, characters etc.

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