翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 56 / 0 Reviews / 2013/04/19 21:21:56

noppy 56 その昔は外資系出版社にて和書/洋書の編集実務経験3年以上。 現在はインタ...

Digital student ID is also under test for better managing student data. Visits to museums or other social activities will be recorded through devices deployed at those locations. With the ID system, students can choose anyone of the PE exam centers in Shanghai to take a test.

A cloud-based class inventory will help kids who are living in suburbs and with poorer education resources to access quality classes offered by better equipped schools. It is said that Shanghai Remote Education Group has had a large amount of digital education content that will be shared to Shanghai citizens.



クラウドベースの教室一覧表は、郊外に住んでいて貧弱な教育資源にしかアクセスできない子供たちに、設備の充実したクラスを提供する。また、Shanghai Remote Education Groupは、上海市民に今後共有される、大量のデジタル教育コンテンツを保有しているという。

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備考: http://technode.com/2013/04/03/kids-in-shanghai-will-have-a-digital-schoolbag-and-read-digital-textbooks/