翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 68 / ネイティブ 日本語 / 0 Reviews / 2013/04/19 16:56:40

jaga 68

What’s striking about the finalists are the types of problems they’re trying to solve. While they include your usual, hardware, software, and mobile startups, a large amount of them are tackling opportunities in agriculture, energy, healthcare, and transport. These finalists were picked from over 700 entries.

IdeaSpace was launched in March 2012 as a non-profit organization that has drawn support from First Pacific Company, Metro Pacific Investments and the PLDT group, chaired by successful tech entrepreneur Manuel V. Pangilinan. It has received P500 million (USD 12.1M) in funding for five years. IdeaSpace’s CEO is Earl Valencia (his story here).



IdeaSpaceは2012年3月に設立された非営利団体でFirst Pacific Company、Metro Pacific Investments、成功を収めたテクノロジー系起業家のManuel V. Pangilinan が議長を務めるPLDTグループに支援されており5年間で5億ペソの資金提供を受けている。IdeaSpace’のCEOはEarl Valencia氏だ (氏の経歴についてはここを参照)。

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備考: http://sgentrepreneurs.com/2013/04/08/10-philippine-startups-get-seed-funding-from-ideaspace/