翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 68 / ネイティブ 日本語 / 0 Reviews / 2013/04/19 11:53:42

jaga 68

The idea of a plastic-backed iPhone does jibe with recent rumors regarding Apple's plans to address the low-cost smartphone market. Apple, along with Samsung, captures the lion's share of profit in the smartphone sector, but Apple's iPhones are premium products with a corresponding price. A plastic iPhone, it is thought, would help Apple address the low end of the market and grow its share even further.

Observers disagree on what shape a low-cost iPhone might take. Consensus seems to have settled around a polycarbonate chassis, but some reports have Apple putting a non-Retina display in the device, while others have the company keeping the same display that's seen in the iPhone 5.



しかし業界観測筋は低価格iPhoneの形状について一致した見方をしていません。ポリカーボネイトのボディという点では一致しているようですが、AppleはRetinaディスプレイを低価格iPhoneに搭載しないというレポートもあればiPhone 5と同じディスプレイが使われるとするものもあります。

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