翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 50 / 0 Reviews / 2011/02/14 10:14:05


1. 亡くなって1年になるけど、天国での生活はどう?友達はできた?
2. Aが東京に帰って来るかもしれません。Tが彼女を呼んだの?
3. 一年経った 今、私たちに伝えたいことや言い残したことはありますか?


T was owned by M's father in law until he passed away on 2004. Because M's mother in law did not like an animal, M and her husband moved into her house to look after T. A (a corgy, female) who had been living with T was re-homed to a relative of M.
M's questions to T were as follows:
1. It has been a year since you had left us. How are you doing the other side? Have you made new friends?
2. A might return to Tokyo. Did T call her?
3. Do you have anything that you would like to say after one year, or do you have something that you wanted to say before you left us?

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備考: アニマルコミュニケーションの内容です。Mはクライアント(女性)、Tは犬(オス)です。