翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 中国語(簡体字) )

評価: 50 / ネイティブ 中国語(簡体字) / 0 Reviews / 2013/02/26 23:58:57

secangel 50 Master and Bachelor of English, with ...

But what if you need to prepare a presentation for your clients from another country? International business is always though, but with the help of our translators you can easily impress clients with a presentation in their own language. Presenters who engage with their audience well typically become calmer and more composed. Our team of experienced and verified translators is here to ensure you have enough time to focus on rehearsing your speech while they translate your slides.

anydooR Inc. is giving away free translation credit to the first 50 companies that register with Conyac for Business and send an email request with their username to info@any-door.com.

Translate your presentation today > and for free!



anydooR Inc. 正在向前 50 家在 Conyac 商业翻译注册的公司发放免费的翻译点数,只需将用户名通过邮件发送到 info@any-door.com 即可。

今天就翻译您的演说 > 免费的!

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