翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 52 / 0 Reviews / 2013/02/23 16:50:02

tatsuto 52 英日翻訳を中心に請負っています。 得意分野:一般、科学、法律等 TOE...

and some time later served as his lieutenant against Antony at the battle of Actium. Barbula was then serving with Antony, and the fortune of both of them was reversed. For when Antony was vanquished Barbula was taken prisoner and he pretended to be a slave, and Marcus bought him pretending not to know him. Then he laid the whole matter before Octavian and asked that he might compensate Barbula with a like service, and his request was granted.This similarity of good fortune attended these two in after times, for they both held the chief magistracy in the city the same year. Balbinus took refuge with Pompeius and was restored with him, and became consul not long afterward.


後に彼の副官としてActium戦でAntony と戦った。Barbulaはその時Antonyに仕えており、両者の運命は逆転した。Antonyが敗れBarbulaが捕虜となり、彼は奴隷のふりをし、Marcusは彼を知らないふりをして連れてきた。そして彼は全てをOctavianに語り、 Barbulaを救うよう頼み、その願いは聞き入れられた。この二人の同様の幸運はその後も起こり、後に二人とも市の主要管轄区を与えられた。


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備考: 固有名詞は訳さないでいいです。