翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 52 / 0 Reviews / 2013/02/02 15:52:16


INDEXのことは2度も命がけで救っています。このようなヒーロー体質を持ち合わせているので、Mikoto Misakaをはじめとして様々な女の子から好意を寄せられています。けしからん!!




He has saved INDEX's life twice, risking his own life. Since he has such a heroic character, he is popular amang various girls such as Mikoto Misaka. Damn!!

However, he is not very handsome, which is a very rare case in this type of Anime. I have an image that he is just an ordinary high school student. But, he is very insensitive and this point is applicable to featutres of typical protagonists of Anime.

Even such a normal guy like Kamijo-kun can be popular among girls! You may think so.
"I will destroy the delusion!!"

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備考: 日本のアニメのキャラクターの紹介文です