翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → インドネシア語 )

評価: 50 / 0 Reviews / 2013/01/29 18:39:45

romolhb 50 I am a retired English teacher for hi...

Ladakh ("land of high passes") is a region of India in the state of Jammu and Kashmir and lies between the Kunlun mountain range in the north and the main Great Himalayas to the south, inhabited by people of Indo-Aryan and Tibetan descent.
Historically, the region included the Baltistan (Baltiyul) valleys, the Indus Valley, the remote Zangskar, Lahaul and Spiti to the south, Aksai Chin and Ngari, including the Rudok region and Guge, in the east, and the Nubra valleys to the north. Contemporary Ladakh borders Tibet to the east, the Lahaul and Spiti to the south, the Vale of Kashmir, Jammu and Baltiyul regions to the west, and the trans–Kunlun territory of Xinjiang to the far north.


Ladakh (terusan dataran tinggi) adalah daerah India dibagian Jammu dan Kashmir terletak antara pegunungan KunLun diutara dan Himalaya diselatan, dihuni oleh keturunan Indo Arya dan Tibet.
Dahulu kala daerah ini termasuk lembah Baltistan (Baltiyul), lembah Indus, Dan Zangskar yang terpencil, Lalhaul dan Spiti diselatan, Aksai Chin dan Ngari, termasuk daerah Rudok dan Guge ditimur dan lembah Nubra diutara. Ladakh dibatasi oleh Tibet ditimur, Lahaul dan Spiti diselatan, lembah Kashmir, Jammu dan daerah Baltiyul dibarat, dan daerah pegunungan Kun Lun dari Xin Jiang jauh diutara

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