翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 50 / 0 Reviews / 2013/01/22 20:05:13

[削除済みユーザ] 50

Sangoku Rensenkiは、三国志の世界(に、よく似た世界)へタイムスリップしてしまったYamada Hanaと、3つの国を統一しようとする武将達との物語です。




Sangoku Rensenki is a story of Yamada Hana, who time-tripped to the world of San Guo Zhi or Romance of the three kingdoms, and warriors who are fighting for uniting the kingdoms.

The feature of this game is that it consists of two parts: the "story" part that proceeds by selecting options and the "war council" part where Hana leads wars among the kingdoms as a military strategist. In the beginning, you may feel the war council part is difficult. However, once you get a partner, he will help you!

This product is considered as a game where players enjoy "first love".

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備考: 日本のゲームの紹介です