翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 52 / 0 Reviews / 2013/01/08 17:32:37



Doujinshiにおいては、Homura Akemiと一緒に描かれる事が多いです!
また、親友のSayaka MikiやMami TomoeとのDoujinshiも負けないくらい多いです!


Besides, she herself is very cute, and so a lot number of figures like a mascot are released!

Amonf Doujinshi, she is often described with Homura Akemi!
The relationship between she and Akemi is an important secret which affects the ending of the story, but you can see a good harmony among them although this aspect is not described in Anime.
And also, she has as many Doujinshi as her best friends Sayaka Miki and Mami Tomoe!

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備考: 日本のアニメのキャラクターの紹介文です。