翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 52 / 0 Reviews / 2012/12/11 16:02:40

kiyo0122 52 英語留学1年経験。 外資系IT企業に3年勤務。 翻訳勉強中の身ですがど...

Based on the current evidence, your complaint is invalid. Now we have 2 options for you. You can only choose one option. Please negotiate with seller and give us your option within 3 calendar days. If you two parties add the effective evidence during these 3 calendar days, we will remediate the case accordingly.

1. We suggest a refund of 0% for a box of black color is accepted and wrong color of stick is also accepted. If you can't accept this refund amount, please negotiate with seller, or provide us with as much as evidence to remediate. Once there is more effective evidence provided, we have the right to remediate the order.



1. 黒色の箱において0%の返金を受け入れ、間違った色のスティックも受け入れられる事を提案致します。もし、この返金金額を受け入れる事が出来ない場合、売り手と交渉をお願い致します。もしくは出来るだけ多くの修正すべき根拠を私達に提示して頂く様願います。より有効な根拠が提示された時点で、私達も注文を修正する事ができます。

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