翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 61 / ネイティブ 日本語 / 0 Reviews / 2010/12/14 17:24:54

gloria 61 英語⇔日本語、スペイン語⇒日本語の翻訳が可能です。1990年代前半から英⇔...

Pierre is driven by an unbridled passion for his work, so much so that he consider himself bound, as if by an umbilical cord, to every aspect of the world of fashion. but an aesthete, a lover of beauty and beautiful things. Natural dyeing techniques have been the forte of the familys artisan textile company and natural color, as himself says, is synonymous with life, passion and joy, but above all it is the fundamental element thanks to which we can still dream. His collections are the product of meticulous research and sum up his experiences in their original creativity and ability to convey emotions, overcoming the fickle diktats of fashion and never losing the authentic influence of his Mediterranean roots.



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