翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 中国語(繁体字) )

評価: 50 / 0 Reviews / 2010/10/15 13:30:28

aprces 50

Neapolitan are very popular dishes among our regulars. That said, every dish on the menu is a signature dish as they are all specially created to balance the traditions of Southern Italian cuisine while retaining and respecting the original flavours of the ingredients. “Having been an established chef in Italy, foodies across the region were excited about the opening of Don Alfonso 1890 with equal parts thrill and anticipation. Chef Alfonso explained how he came to opening his first Asian outlet in Macau.I was invited in 2007 by Mr. Alan Ho, the executive director of the Lisboa Hotels, to open this place in Macau,“ said Chef Alfonso, understanding the PROXIMITY of the invitation.“I felt that Mr.Ho and I shared


那不勒斯是我们常客中很受欢迎的菜肴。这就意味着,当每道菜都保留并讲究素材的原汁原味,用来专门体现出传统南意大利风味时,菜单上的每道菜都成了招牌菜。 “1980年当唐阿方索在意大利初创时,整个地区的美食家们都对它的开业表示振奋和寄予希望。厨师阿方索解释了他是如何在澳门开设亚洲的第一家分店。2007年我受到艾伦-何先生的邀请,他本人是葡京酒店的执行董事,然后才有了今天的澳门分店,“厨师阿方索说,我能理解这样类似的邀请。“我觉得,何先生和我有着

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