翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 64 / 0 Reviews / 2012/09/06 00:23:37


Actually ..... no .... My dad is in the hospital so its been abit crazy (time wise) with me the last week or so.

We are going to try something new with Marshall .... since I cant possibly have it all in stock all the time - as much as I try - I am going to have thier public wharehouse ship to you directly in FL.

That way, you can order anything and any amount and we can save time. They are in Virginia. So If I dont have everything (like right now where I only have 6 regular majors)(12 white major & 12 pitch black as well) they can ship directly to you rather then it come up here (2 days transit) then back town to you in FL (3 more days). It will only take 3 instead of 5 days! Better, no ?

So, that being said -






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