翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 50 / 0 Reviews / 2010/07/13 03:44:44


4. 社員略歴
カナダにてソフトウェア会社を立ち上げ、10年に渡りE-コマース、各種予約システム(旅行サイト等)、コンテンツ管理などの事業を欧米にて展開。その後、日本にてデジタルサイネージ、Eラーニングシステムを大手SI企業と共同開発。企画立案、設計に携わる。また、某大手自動車メーカーの国際展示会のマーケットリサーチを2年間手がける。主にB to C領域での新規事業プランニング、実行に強みを持つ


To be concrete, we do putting together scattered servers, information leak prevention service (Thin client).
We will plan the best infrastructure environment based on our past achievements.
・ Build
We will deliver infrastructure equipment (server , software) based on planing after we get them from our partner company.
We will do the performance test with our check list before delivery.

4. Staff Summery
Stated a software company in Canada, expand the business for 10 years in e-commerce, reservation systems(ex. travel agency), contents management in North America. Developed digital signage and e-learning system and so on with major SI company in Japan after that. Dedicated in planing ,drafting and designing. Also Handled market research at an international exhibition for a major car manufacturer for 2 years. Having a strong point especially
new business planing at B to C area and enforcement.

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