翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 50 / 0 Reviews / 2010/07/12 20:45:41


この度は弊社をご紹介させて頂く機会を賜わり、誠にありがとうございます。 私どもの会社は2009年9月に設立させて頂き、主にインフラに特化したサービスをご提供してきました。
設立から半年が経過し、シンガポールの商習慣に対する理解ができてきた今、新たに経営/ITコンサルティングの 分野でも、弊社の強みを活かしてお客様のビジネス革新に寄与していきたく思っております。 宜しくご査収下さい。



Thank you very much for giving us an opportunity that introduces our company.
We established our company in September 2009. We have mainly provided specialized service for infrastructure.
a half year has passed since the establishment, we could understand business practices in Singapore. We strive to contribute customer's business innovation taking our advantage newly in management/IT field.

should you have any questions, please contact below person.

we cooperate with customers in order to achive and maintain higher performance.
we concentrate on materialization of the service and the IT innovation. In order to do it, We provide service optimizing below "6 advantages" for the realizaion.

Approach from customer's side (Function Supplement)
we consistently work not only in particular theme but action, intellection, position as a member of customer's IT department.

Explanation for business management,
Management of introduced IT projects include department (Business User),
Appropriate assertion as procurement of IT vender,
We awalys provide the service in customer's side.

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