翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 53 / 0 Reviews / 2012/07/21 17:19:29

haru 53

Every game has a certain point where the turning speed will double: for example when you push your joystick all the way to the right, the equivalent of you moving your mouse steady across the mouse pad, the game thinks that you are trying to turn really fast, so when the turning speed (when you push the joystick to the max in one direction for a certain amount of time) reaches a certain point, it doubles the turning speed, helping you turn faster. This creates a problem when you are moving your mouse fast in circles, because you will sometimes notice a sudden acceleration, effecting accuracy.



レビュー ( 0 )

備考: PS3でキーボードとマウスを使用出来るようにする変換機のマニュアルです。マニュアルのURL:http://4254e15500e4efac.lolipop.jp/24%20EE%20PS3%20Manual.pdf