翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 53 / ネイティブ インドネシア語 / 0 Reviews / 2012/06/27 18:18:17

dazaifukid 53 来日13年目。東京在住。文系大学卒→理系大学院中退。翻訳・通訳歴10年。ビ...



I delegate item receive and shipment to a forwarding company. Since I haven't got the item, I asked the forwarding company whether they have received it, and they said they havent. I also called the post office for it but they can not answered as I'm not the shipper of the good. I was going to ask one of my friends who lives in the US to check it to the post office, but he/she is hospitalized and unable to go. It is okay if you can rearrange the shipment to the address I specified at the beginning, but if the good is lost, I want to have a full amount of refund, including the shipment fee.

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