翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 50 / 0 Reviews / 2012/06/15 01:48:11

goodtranslation 50 Goodtranslation代表翻訳者 契約書といったビジネス文書から...

Singapore’s Loan Garage is a Marketplace for Credit and Loans

At our Startup Arena Jakarta competition on Friday, Singapore-based Loan Garage pitched its mobile platform for helping consumers find credit from safe and trusted providers.

The pitch outlined how back in Singapore there’s often some illegal money lenders and they hope to even the playing field with a trusted platform for licensed lenders. It allows consumers to compare market rates on a compare lenders screen, and from there they can make an informed decision. Users can also view promotions that might be currently available.


シンガポールのLoan Garage は与信と融資のための市場

金曜のStartup Arena Jakarta のコンペでは、シンガポールに拠点を置くLoan Garageが顧客が安全かつ信頼の置ける融資提供者からの与信を探すにあたって便利なモバイルプラットフォームのピッチを行った。



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