翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 63 / 0 Reviews / 2012/06/13 16:27:29

[削除済みユーザ] 63

Cabara is the Marketplace to Find Good Domestic Helpers

We’re living in a fast-paced world where most husbands and wives are working full-time. Hence, most households would need a domestic helper to aid in household chores.

According to the Cabara‘s pitch this afternoon at Startup Arena, a platform for families matching domestic helpers to families, there are about 200 maid agencies in Jakarta alone. Searching for an ideal domestic helper can be very much of an hassle, and you need to call up each maid agency one-by-one, which makes the search process extremely tedious.


Cabara は家事手伝いを探すのに最適な市場である。


スタートアップアリーナでのCabara のピッチによると、家政婦を斡旋してくれる仲介業者はジャカルタだけでも200以上あるのだそうだ。最適な家政婦を探すことはとても大変なことで、仲介業者を一つ一つあたる必要があるため

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