翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 44 / 0 Reviews / 2012/03/26 20:36:24

[削除済みユーザ] 44

いつもお世話になっており、ありがとうございます。カンボジア初の株式上場というビッグイベントを控え、活気に満ちていることと想像します。さて、3月23日のプノンペン水道公社(PPWSA)のブックビルディングの結果は、いかがだったですか?(book-building number:3600-0004)


I always appreciate your cooperation and help.
The atmosphere over there must be very invigorated as your company is entering into the stock exchange which is a big event as the first in Cambodia.
The reason I wrote you today is to ask you about how the book-building of PPWSA on March, 23 went. (book-building number:3600-0004)
If I would ever win the award, I think I would have to know how to accept the money. Is there any way I can confirm the result online? Will you also please tell me your future plans about IPO?

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