翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 52 / 0 Reviews / 2012/03/23 06:32:01

tatsuto 52 英日翻訳を中心に請負っています。 得意分野:一般、科学、法律等 TOE...

Whether it’s in an interview in the trade magazines, in the college newspaper or on TV, CEOs of successful businesses like to paint a picture that belies the truth.

In some cases, it’s a romantic veneer over how hard they work, or how calculated they go about their management and this exists in part because the public wants an easily-digestible story of how to achieve results, or that it generally makes for a good uplifting reading.

Nobody likes to read a story of a struggle that includes constant repetition, problem-solving, manufacturing defects and late deliveries — it’s just “boring”. Read: Can’t sell newspapers or fill a business school auditorium.




誰も絶える事の無い繰り返し、問題解決、製品欠陥や出荷遅延などの苦労話を読みたがらない —ただ”つまらない”話だからだ:それでは新聞も売れず、ビジネス・スクールの講堂も観客で埋まらない。

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