PlayMoolah launches Moolah It, a mobile wishlist for kids
PlayMoolah, a Singapore startup that uses technology to teach kids about money, has today launched a new mobile app called Moolah It. The app is essentially a wishlist for kids, designed to help them learn about budgeting, prioritization, and impulse control.
Available on the iOS, the app allows parents and guardians to set up multiple accounts for their kids, nephews, and nieces. When out shopping, children can then use it to snap pictures of what they want to buy eventually. The app follows whether the kids are on track to hit their targets.
PlayMoolah、子供向けモバイル・ウィッシュリストMoohal Itをローンチ
テクノロジーを活用して子供にお金のことを教えるシンガポールのスタートアップPlayMoolahが今日、新たなモバイルアプリのMoolah Itをローンチした。同アプリは基本的に、子供向けのウィッシュリストだが、予算の組み方や優先順位のつけ方、衝動買いを防ぐことなどを子供達が学べるようデザインされている。
As with all of PlayMoolah’s products, adults are an active and integral part of the activity, which facilitates bonding between parent and child.
The company expects to launch a pipeline of products in 2013. The new apps are expected to complement its flagship product PlayMoolah, a virtual world where kids can play games and learn about personal finance. It also launched a mobile app called Coin Catcher last year, which helps children learn about needs versus wants, as well as identify coins.
同社は2013年に一連のプロダクトをローンチする予定だ。それらの新しいアプリは、旗艦プロダクトであるPlayMoolah(子供がゲームをして個人のお金管理について学べるバーチャルゲーム)を補完するもののようだ。同社は昨年、子供がニーズと欲求について学んだり、硬貨の認識を手助けする、Coin Catcherというモバイルアプリもローンチしている。