[英語から中国語(簡体字)への翻訳依頼] 10) - Pick up some fun souvenirs at the Art Deco wet market, otherwise known...

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tktktkによる依頼 2013/01/04 19:08:01 閲覧 6375回
残り時間: 終了


- Pick up some fun souvenirs at the Art Deco wet market, otherwise known as the Central Market.
-Stroll around MAP, the Kuala Lumpur arts district.
- Enjoy Saturday evening in Kampung Baru, enjoying traditional Malay treats.
- Book a guided tour through the Malaysia Heritage Walk, a cultural event only open to foreign tourists.
- Grab dinner at No Black Tie, a venue famous for its poetry, live jazz, piano, and Brazilian funk music.
- Savor delicious rice, dal, and curries wrapped inside traditional, fresh bamboo leaves.
- Shop among the stalls in Little India, getting a taste of authentic Indian food and culture.
- Stroll around and shop at Bukit Bintang (Star Hill).


- Experience a pilot in Flight Experience Singapore, modern flight simulator featuring a 100% authentic replica cockpit that delivers a total immersion virtual reality environment.
- Meet orangutans in Singapore Zoo. The Jungle Breakfast lets diners get up close with the zoo’s impressive orangutans. The Rainforest KidzWorld (bring swimsuits) is popular, and the acclaimed open-concept design brings visitors right up to the animal habitats.
- A place for people from all walks of life to explore, exchange and entertain, Marina Bay. The locals and visitors can enjoy the parks, waterfront promenade and attend the events and celebrations held at the bay. Marina Bay Sands Hotel is nice to stay.

評価 50
翻訳 / 中国語(簡体字)
- 2013/01/05 12:17:17に投稿されました

- 在新加坡飞行体验当一次飞行员,现代飞行模拟器设有一个按照原样100%复制的驾驶舱,提供可以完全沉浸其中的虚拟现实环境。
- 去新加坡动物园看猩猩。丛林早餐让食客们可以近距离接触到动物园里印象深刻的猩猩。儿童雨林乐园(自带泳衣)很受欢迎,广受好评的开放式概念设计,带游客直达动物的栖息地。
- 滨海湾(Marina Bay),一个聚集了来自社会各阶层的人们生活,探索,交流和娱乐的地方。当地人和游客都可以享受公园,滨海长廊,并参加在海湾举行的活动和庆典。金沙酒店(Marina Bay Sands Hotel)是不错的入住酒店。


- See the water puppets show at Golden Dragon Water Puppet Theatre in Ho Chi Minh.
- Think about history in War Remnants Museum (Nha Trung Bay Toi Ac Chien Tranh).
- Visit to Bitexco Financial Tower Skydeck, defining the skyline of Ho Chi Minh City. It was designed by New York Architect Carlos Zapata; whose inspiration for this daring design was drawn from the Lotus bud, a flower of significance to Vietnam.
- Write a letter at Central Post Office, one of the French colonial landmarks.
- Go to the Cao Dai Temple, a relatively modern syncretistic, monotheistic religion, established in the city of Tây Ninh in 1926.

- Come and enjoy Vietnamese food at Ngon restaurant Thao Dien Village with water puppet show.
- Walk along the Pham Ngu Lao Street, named after Pham Ngu Lao, the national hero. Ho Chi Minh city locals flock to the area markets to buy cheap clothes, souvenirs, and war memorabilia.
- Visit to Notre Dame Cathedral. This French-built cathedral occupies scenic Paris Square in the heart of HCMC.
- Take a leisurely stroll down, Dong Khoi Street, full of fancy shops.
- Know about Emperor Jade Pagoda (Chua Ngoc Hoang or Phuoc Hai Tu), known as the Tortoise Pagoda and considered to be Saigon’s finest.



This is for the explanation page of travel tourism spots about several cities.
10) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
11) Singapore
13) Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam


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