[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] セレブ化の影響によって、あるタイプの人達が突如として急増している。私達はその人達を「スターに憧れる起業家」と呼んでいるのだが、こういう人達が急増していこと...

この英語から日本語への翻訳依頼は yakuok さん zhizi さん mayheaven さん bellahel さん kekkerake さん anthony_shin_93 さん nico1021 さん ypsudo さんの 8人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 19件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 5071文字

startupdatingによる依頼 2012/10/09 17:51:51 閲覧 2931回
残り時間: 終了

The Danger of Celebritizing Entrepreneurship

There's no doubt technology entrepreneurship is becoming its own kind of celebrity. Here is a quick rundown of its appearances on the national stage:



The story of the founding of Facebook receiving a feature-length Hollywood portrayal in The Social Network; Hollywood celebrities like Ashton Kutcher, Justin Timberlake, MC Hammer, Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber investing in technology startups and making their presence known in Silicon Valley; the rise of initiatives like the White House-endorsed Startup America Partnership, due to the starring role technology startups in job growth;

Facebook設立への道が、長編ハリウッド映画The Social Network内で描写される。Ashton Kutcher、Justin Timberlake、MC Hammer、Lady Gaga、そしてJustin Bieberなどといったハリウッドのセレブ達がテクノロジー・スタートアップに投資、シリコンバレーでその名を定着させていっている。主要テクノロジー・スタートアップによる雇用機会増大で、ホワイトハウス承認のStartup America Partnershipなどに見られるプログラムが増加。

Bloomberg creating an American Idol-esque TV showbased on the the New York City session of TechStars; Bravo creating a full-blown reality TV showcalled "Silicon Valley"; and a surge of new technology companies offering their stocks on the public markets, from Facebook to Zynga, Groupon, Pandora and LinkedIn.

As a result of all the attention, we have a phenomenon TechCrunch has dubbed "The New Silicon Valley Douchebag." Everyone and their mother is now an angel investor, and it is safe to say the celebritization of entrepreneurship is only going to get stronger.

Bloombergは、the New York session of TechStarsを基に、アメリカンアイドルのようなテレビ番組を制作し、Bravoも「Silicon Valley」という本格的なリアリティショーを制作している。そして、FacebookからZynga、Groupon、Pandora、LinkedInまで、株式上場する新たなテック企業が増えている。


We need to start the conversation now about how to handle this double-edged sword, so that the soul of Silicon Valley doesn't get vaporized from the heat of the limelight.

Why is it a double-edged sword? On one hand, celebritization will attract a huge new wave of talent from around globe to Silicon Valley and inspire many impressionable young people to aspire to become an entrepreneur rather than a Wall Street banker or a Hollywood actress. This undoubtedly is a very good thing.



The Silicon Valley ethos is a lot more empowering than the narratives most young people are being told around the world. A few months ago, we had a group of Danish Entrepreneurs over at our startup house who told us that when young people in Denmark talk about changing the world, most people tell them, "Who are you to try to change the world? Sit down. Go to school. Get a job. Learn your place."


I hope we abolish that narrative completely. But let's not swing the pendulum too far in the other direction and spread the delusion that starting a company is something anyone can do to get rich and famous quickly. Eric Ries has recently become fond of saying, "Entrepreneurship is not cool, it's not sexy and it's totally uncomfortable. It's boring and grueling, and that part is never part of the movie." And I don't expect it to be part of the Bravo Reality TV show either.

そのよく聞かされる話を完全になくしたいと私は思う。だが、趨勢を逆の方向に動かしたりせず、そして、起業は誰にでもできて、すぐにお金持ちで有名人になれるという幻想を広めるのはやめよう。Eric Riesは最近、「起業はクールじゃない、魅力的でもないし、本当に厄介だ。退屈で疲れる。こういうことは絶対に映画のシーンにはない。」と好んで言うようになった。私も、そういうことがBravoのリアリティ番組で取り上げられるとは思わない。

The celebritization effect has caused a meteoric rise in the type of person we are calling the "Starstruck Entrepreneur." This rise is actually dangerous to the health of the startup ecosystem. A few months ago, College Humor released this brilliant caricature of the Starstruck Entrepreneur that sadly hit a little too close to home.

These creatures seem to come in two types. The first type is an "idea guy" who saunters over from Hollywood ready to wow with you a next-generation social media analytics platform. Or maybe he's a self-proclaimed "business model and monetization expert" fresh off the MBA assembly line. This type has an annoyingly loud mouth, but is relatively harmless.

セレブ化の影響によって、あるタイプの人達が突如として急増している。私達はその人達を「スターに憧れる起業家」と呼んでいるのだが、こういう人達が急増していことは、健全なスタートアップのエコシステムにとっては実に危険だ。数か月前、College Humorが「スターに憧れる起業家」についての面白い風刺ビデオを発表した。悲しくも、すこし痛いところを突いている。


The second type of Starstruck Entrepreneur is far more dangerous. This type includes engineers and designers who have a lot of talent for building technology products, but, because they've been infected by celebritization hype, limit their ambitions to being able to say, "Hi, I'm the Founder and CEO of Self-Aggrandizing Apps." So instead of applying their talents to a company that is actually poised to solve an important problem and become a transformational company, they build another vapid iPhone app that nobody wants. As a result, many potentially transformational startups are inflicted with dysfunctional teams as a result of the depleted hiring pool.


We need to quarantine the Starstruck Virus before it leads to an epidemic facepalms — or worse. The reason the Starstuck Virus is so deadly is that it ends up severely circumscribing both the economic potential and societal impact of entrepreneurship by suffocating the early-stage startup ecosystem with increased noise, increased distractions, corrupted motivations and misapplied of talent.

Fortunately both strains of the Starstruck Virus have a similar remedy. I advocate the dual pronged approach of sociological and methodological (note that the Starstruck Entrepreneur falls short on both economic impact and long-term societal impact):

この「スターに憧れる起業家」ウィルスを、感染的な羞恥心病ーもしくはもっと悪い状況ーになる前に、駆除する必要がある。このウィルスがなぜそんなに致命的なのかという理由は、うわさや混乱の高まり、モチベーションの低下、才能の不適切な活用によって、 アーリーステージのスタートアップエコシステムが起業家の経済的可能性および社会的影響を容赦なく制限してしまうからだ。


One potent approach to eradicating the Starstruck Virus is to ignore the infected person. This deprives the Starstruck Narcissistic Personality Disorder of its lifeblood: your attention.

In more severe cases it may be appropriate to use a more vigorous approach: Take a page out of the book of paranoid conspiracists and fight back through the four-step approach of Identify, Vilify, Nullify, Destroy. When a Starstruck entrepreneur tells you their idea, don't smile and nod or (heaven forbid!) tell them their idea is awesome.

「スターに憧れる起業家」ウィルスの撲滅に効くアプローチの1つは、その感染者を無視することだ。スターに憧れるという自己愛性人格障害者から活力 ーすなわち、注目されるということー を奪う。



2015/01/21 数字表記についてアップデート済
THE BRIDGE(旧StartupDating)からの記事の依頼です。Tech in Asia、TechNode、e27などの記事の翻訳を依頼します。

*$:米ドル(例:US$250 million→2億5000万米ドル、15,000→1万5000 etc)

・angel investor:エンジェル投資家
・serial entrepreneur:シリアルアントレプレナー
・disruptive:震撼させるような、揺るがすような、革命を起こすほどのetc -> スタートアップシーンでは度々使われる単語です。単語で訳すのではなく、都度コンテクストと合わせて文章として意味が通じるように訳してください。


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