[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] 中国のYelpのようなDianpingが6000万ドルの資金を確保 中国のYelpのようなサイト、Dianpingがまた大成功。Dファンディングシリ...

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startupdatingによる依頼 2012/08/29 22:27:40 閲覧 1454回
残り時間: 終了

China’s Yelp-like Dianping Secures Over $60 Million in Funding

The Chinese Yelp-like site Dianping has once again hit the jackpot, pulling in, it has announced, “over $60 million” in series D funding. It’s less than the company’s third round of $100 million in April of last year, but it’s still a huge boost as the city directory site also has a growing daily deals business – and that’s a very fragmented market that relies on heavy ad spending.

The new Dianping funding news was tweeted out by the company on its own Weibo page (see it here). Dianping says it will use the new round to focus on its mobile business, as well as general biz development.




In its previous round, those who took part were Trust Bridge Partners, Sequoia Capital, Qiming Ventures, and Lightspeed Venture Partners. It’s not known exactly who led this newest round, but we’ve reached out to Dianping HQ to see if they can comment on that. [UPDATE: nope].

先のラウンドに参加したのは、Trust Bridge Partnaers、Sequaia Capital、Qiming VenturesとLightspeed Venture Partnersだ。この最新ラウンドを率いたのが誰かははっきりとは公表されていないが、Diaping本社に、これについてコメントをもらえるか、問い合わせてみた。(更新:なし)

Just yesterday we looked at the latest stats for China’s daily deals industry and saw that Dianping has grown to become the nation’s fourth-largest group buy site in terms of market share. It took 8.3 percent of revenue in the sector in 2012 Q2. Dianping has been already pushing its mobile commerce, and recently revealed what its Android and iPhone users were buying.

Last year we chatted with Dianping’s VC, Michael Jiang, at an event in Beijing. You might like to see that video here.


我々は昨年、北京のイベントにおいてDianpingの製品および営業担当バイスプレジデントMichael Jiang氏と話した。ここで、そのインタビュー動画を見ることができる。


2015/01/21 数字表記についてアップデート済
THE BRIDGE(旧StartupDating)からの記事の依頼です。Tech in Asia、TechNode、e27などの記事の翻訳を依頼します。

*$:米ドル(例:US$250 million→2億5000万米ドル、15,000→1万5000 etc)

・angel investor:エンジェル投資家
・serial entrepreneur:シリアルアントレプレナー
・disruptive:震撼させるような、揺るがすような、革命を起こすほどのetc -> スタートアップシーンでは度々使われる単語です。単語で訳すのではなく、都度コンテクストと合わせて文章として意味が通じるように訳してください。


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  • 文字数の上限がなく、素早い納品
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