[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] 9 シナリオ これらのゲームのシナリオはトリプラネタリーのプレー展開でのSF背景を表すものです。それぞれは特定のテーマにおける全ゲームの詳細を示しま...

この英語から日本語への翻訳依頼は [削除済みユーザ] さんの 1人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 1件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 5338文字

iriyakによる依頼 2012/08/05 01:19:10 閲覧 1332回
残り時間: 終了

9 Scenarios

These game scenarios provide the science-fiction context for the unfolding play of Triplanetary. Each indicates the details of a complete game on a specific subject.

Grand Tour, 2037 AD – A multi-player scenario.

Gesichtkreis Sternschiffbau, A.G. offers a grand prize of royalties and remuneration to the winner of its decennial Grand Tour competition. This event is the high point of each decade for scores of space-racing devotees, as well as the top ship designers and pilots of the Solar System.
Ships: Each racer receives one corvette, at Terra. Special Rules: Fuel is available only at bases on Terra, Venus, Mars, and Callisto. Fuel is available to
anyone for free. Combat is allowed.

9 シナリオ


グランドツアー、2037 AD- 複数プレイヤーシナリオ

Gesichtkreis Sternschiffbau, A.Gは10年ごとのグランドツアー杯の勝者に対して王者の大賞を与えます。このイベントはシップ設計者とソーラーシステムのパイロットの上位と、スペースレース参加者への得点において毎10年ごとの高いポイントとなります。

Victory: Each ship must pass through at least one gravity hex of each astral body with full gravity and return to land on Terra. The first ship to do so wins. If several travel the same circuit in the same time, the minimum fuel consumption wins.
Variant: After several games of this scenario, players will become familiar with optimum routes. Instead, announce a required route just prior to the race. Examples: astral bodies must be arrived at in alphabetical order; astral bodies must be visited in order of their size; astral bodies must be visited in order of their distance from the sun.

Escape – As short two-player scenario.

The Pilgrims, a small but righteous minority oppressed by the First Citizen and his infamous Thought Police, have secretly prepared a transport and two decoys for an escape to the stars! The transport is equipped with Long Sleep capsules and it is only necessary that the ship leave the Solar System with enough fuel remaining to allow maneuver and deceleration at journey’s end. But first, they must elude the Enforcers...

Ships: The Pilgrims receive three transports (blue) on Terra. The Enforcers receive one corvette in orbit around Terra and a corsair in orbit around Venus (black counters).

Special Rules: The Pilgrims secretly designate one transport to contain the fugitives; the other two are decoys operated by aspiring martyrs. Beginning on day 1, the Pilgrims may launch their ships from Terra in any manner they wish. Ships still on Terra may not be attacked. Decoy ships are revealed only if the Enforcer matches course and inspects the ship in question. Otherwise, ship identities are revealed only at the end of the game. Mines and torpedoes are not available to either player. The Pilgrims may ram. Only Terra, Venus, and Io have bases. All bases on the map belong to the Enforcers. Planetary defences are not operating. There is no time limit to this scenario.

Victory:Several levels of victory are possible based on the game results. The Pilgrims win a decisive victory if the fugitive ship exits the board beyond Jupiter with sufficient fuel remaining to make a dead stop,plus one fuel point. The Pilgrim transport may be disabled. The Pilgrims win a marginal victory if they exit as indicated for a decisive victory but have less fuel than required. The Pilgrims win a moral victory if they are destroyed or captured but destroy at least one Enforcer ship in the process. The Enforcers win a decisive victory if they capture the Pilgrims (loot their transport) and return safely to a base,The Enforcers win a marginal victory if they destroy the transport carrying the Pilgrims.

Lateral 7 – A short two-player scenario.

A liner carrying industrial magnates to an interplanetary mining conference at the colony on Ganymede is outbound from Venus. Other pressing considerations prevent the Navy from escorting this ship, but one dreadnought (the Tycho Brahe, number 101) is on station in the Belt to respond to possible distress calls. Recently, pirates have been menacing the rich trans-Belt shipping lanes with raids from their unapproachable base at Clandestine. If the pirates can capture and ransom the passengers on the liner, they will be able to double the size of their fleet.

Special Rules: The liner is placed on Venus. The dreadnought and the three dummies are placed in any asteroid hexes, inverted to conceal their identities. The pirate then places his three ships and nine dummies in any unoccupied asteroid hexes. All ships begin at zero velocity. Because ship sailings are published, the pirate knows the location of the liner. Each pirate ship, on its first acceleration, must remove three dummies. The dreadnought, on its first acceleration, must remove its three dummies. The dreadnought, however, may not move until a pirate is detected by a ship or a base. The pirate base is Clandestine, and pirates treat the special (blue) asteroids surrounding it as clear space.

Mines, fuel, and minor maintenance are available at that base for the pirates. Each pirate corsair begins the game with one mine on board. The Navy has bases on Mars, Terra, and Callisto. The dreadnought begins with one mine and one torpedo on board.
Victory: The pirate wins by matching courses with the liner, transferring the passengers, and taking them to Clandestine. He wins decisively if the dreadnought is also destroyed. The Navy wins if the liner makes it to Ganymede. The win is decisive if a pirate ship is also destroyed. If the passengers of the liner, while on the liner or after transfer to another ship, are destroyed, both players lose.
Variant: The liner may begin at Terra instead of Venus.



ウォーゲームと呼ばれるジャンルのボードゲームのルールの抜粋 (9節) です。http://boardgamegeek.com/filepage/59185/triplanetary-rules に原文へのアクセスが可。テーマはSFです。


  • Word、Excel、PowerPointなど様々なファイル形式に対応
  • 文字数の上限がなく、素早い納品
  • よりスキルの高い翻訳者が担当
