[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] 公式発表: グルポンの中国ビジネスは、F団と合併します。 まさに最近の噂通り、グルポン(ナスダック: GRPN)と騰訊(テンセント)の合弁会社高朋(...

この英語から日本語への翻訳依頼は noche さん sandia さん t76tidb684 さんの 3人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 3件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 2162文字

startupdatingによる依頼 2012/07/09 16:01:08 閲覧 1664回
残り時間: 終了

OFFICIAL: Groupon’s China Business Merges With FTuan

Exactly as we’d heard was about to happen in recent rumors, it has just been announced officially that Groupon’s (NASDAQ:GRPN) joint-venture in China with Tencent, called Gaopeng, will merge with its larger daily deals rival FTuan.

The whole deal was overseen by China’s web giant, Tencent (HKG:0700), which not only owns half of Gaopeng but also has an undisclosed stake in FTuan. The financial deals of the merger have not been revealed. Groupon will be a minority shareholder in the new company, as it was in Gaopeng – but we’re not sure how “minor” it now becomes.

公式発表: グルポンの中国ビジネスは、F団と合併します。

まさに最近の噂通り、グルポン(ナスダック: GRPN)と騰訊(テンセント)の合弁会社高朋(ガポオン)が、日々の取引で強力な商売敵であったF団と合併する予定であると公式に発表されました。

新会社は中国の巨大企業テンセント(HKG: 0700)によって設立され、ガオポンが半分を出資する予定ですが、F団の出資比率は非公開です。合併の金融取引は、まだ明らかにされていません。グルポンは、ガポポンの時のように新会社の少数株主に収まる予定ですが、「少数」がどの程度になるのかはまだ分かっていません。

The merger will create a new company that’ll be headed by FTuan’s CEO, Lin Ning, but means that the two Gaopeng and FTuan brands and websites will continue as they are.

In this evening’s announcement, the new entity’s CEO, Mr. Lin, said:

China’s daily deals market is moving from investment-driven to operation-focused, and I believe the merger will position us well to further scale our operations and deliver innovative products to our customers. The multi-brand strategy after the merger will enable the new company to serve the segment needs of merchants and consumers in lifestyle e-commerce and mobile internet.

M&Aにより FTuanのCEOであるLin Ning氏が率いる新しい企業が生まれる。しかし一方でGaopengとFTuanという2つのブランドとウェブサイトは、今まで通り存続する予定である。



It is indeed the first major deal we’ve seen in China’s fragmented and costly daily deals market, where the current market leader is the startup Meituan. FTuan was in fourth eighth place last time we looked, while Gaopeng was still losing market share way out of the top ten.

Tencent’s new CEO of its recently spun-off e-commerce division said:

The new joint entity will combine the strengths of FTuan and Gaopeng to better serve consumers in the daily deals market in China. We believe group-buying is a natural leverage off our large user base.

Meanwhile, Groupon’s Jason Harinstein, commented:

For Groupon, this transaction is the next logical step in our strategy to strengthen our investment in China. Tencent has been a great partner, and we are excited to continue our partnership with them. We are also looking forward to working with the FTuan team to provide Chinese consumers and merchants with more compelling offerings.


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