They are NOT defects, the helmet comes from the factory that way. They meet government quality standards and are accepted for issue. I don't know if you have or are serving in our military but if you have then you would know this. Anyway the time limit has expired for you to request a refund. Nothing was misinterpreted (there are no defects or else the helmet would not have been accepted ) I am sorry you think it was, but obviously you have NO IDEA of what a brand new helmet looks like coming right off the assembly line.
If you did not like it, you should have said something sooner, AND if you had a problem, and notified me within the time frame, then I would have asked for the helmet back and given you your money back.
There is no way i would just deduct $50 off and let you buy it for that. I feel that what you are trying to do is get a new helmet for less than what anyone would EVER sell one to you for. Basically trying to get yourself $50 off after the sale. I AM SORRY BUT THE TIME LIMIT HAS EXPIRED AND NO REFUND IS DUE. If you have anything further then please contact E Bay with your concerns.