[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] パーキンソン病は,脳のなかでドーパミンを分泌するニューロンが死滅することによって生じる。手足がふるえる,体がこわばるといった症状の出るこの病気の治療の第一...

この日本語から英語への翻訳依頼は [削除済みユーザ] さん mangetsu_1982 さん eijikuma さんの 3人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 8件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 810文字 で、翻訳完了までにかかった時間は 10時間 39分 です。

anbis1217による依頼 2012/05/12 19:10:16 閲覧 2802回
残り時間: 終了

パーキンソン病は,脳のなかでドーパミンを分泌するニューロンが死滅することによって生じる。手足がふるえる,体がこわばるといった症状の出るこの病気の治療の第一選択は,L-ドーパをはじめとする薬物療法(DBS)だ。最近では脳の深部に電極を刺し,胸部に埋め込んだパルス発生器からの信号で刺激する治療法もあり,80%以上の症例で症状が改善するか薬の量を減らせるようになっている。 ところが,これらの方法で症状は改善できても,ドーパミン産生ニューロンが死んでいくのを食い止めることはできない。

評価 44
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/05/13 00:25:48に投稿されました
Parkinson's disease is caused by the death of dopamine-generating neurons in a brain. The primary treatment for this disease with the symptoms of tremors of limbs and rigidity of body is a drug treatment such as L-dopa. Recently DBS (Deep Brain Stimulation) has been introduced to electrically stimulate the deep inside the brain by implanting a pulse generator inside the chest and an electrode in the brain. This has been helping reducing the drug intake amount or alleviating 80 percent of the symptoms of the patients. While these may be helping with the symptoms, however, they cannot stop the dopamine-generating nerons death.
★★☆☆☆ 2.0/1
mangetsu_1982- 12年以上前
Didn't the original Japanese text say '80% of patients', not '80% of symptoms'?
[削除済みユーザ]- 12年以上前
mangetsu_1982 san, you are right! 症状comes out twice so I completely ignored 症例。It's interesting to see how my brain works! Thanks.
[削除済みユーザ]- 12年以上前
mangetsu_1982 san, I am so happy to receive the first comment from a translator! Especially after I got the fourth -2!
mangetsu_1982- 12年以上前
評価 60
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/05/12 22:39:29に投稿されました
Parkinson's disease is due to the death of the neurons in the brain which are responsible for the secretion of dopamine. The first choice for treating this condition, which causes sufferers' hands to shake, and a stiffening of the body, is L-DOPA, coupled with other pharmaceutical treatments and Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS). DBS is a recent advance, and involves inserting electrodes into the deep brain and stimulating it using a an electronic device installed in the chest, resulting in a reduction of symptoms as well as the amount of medication required in more than 80% of cases. However, even though symptoms can be reduced by this method, the deterioration of the dopamine producing neurons does not stop.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/05/13 01:31:32に投稿されました
The symptoms of Parkinson disease result from the death of dopamine-generating cells in the brain.

1.Drug treatment that includes L-dopa, which is the gold standard for treating Parkinson's disease.

2.L-dopa and Deep Brain Stimulation, which is the gold standard for treating Parkinson's disease.

Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is a surgical treatment involving the implantation of a medical device called a brain pacemaker, which sends electrical impulses to specific parts of the brain. And patients account for over 80 percent of cases, experience symptom improvement or can reduce the amount of drug therapy.

But, it can't stop the death of dopamine-producing neurons.


評価 60
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/05/12 22:55:59に投稿されました
To rectify that situation, It is hoped that proactive treatments such as supplementing neurons with cell transplants, will encourage renewed growth of neural networks and restore function in the brain.
In Europe and America, cell transplantation has been practiced as treatment for Parkinson's disease since the 1980s, and the particular efficacy of cells taken from the Substantia Nigra in infants came to notice. However, this treatment requires between 5 and 10 fetuses to treat a single patient, and it has proved problematic to ensure a suitable supply. For that reason, in recent years, 'stem cell-based treatments have received a great deal of attention.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/05/13 03:35:48に投稿されました
So, people hope active treatment, for example, cell transplantation to replace lost neurons and form new neural circuits.

Western countries started cell transplantations since the 1980s for Parkinson disease.

Especially, the nigral cell implantation show an effect on the treatment.

But, it's difficult to secure sufficient cells for implant, because this method requires from 5 to 10 bodies of fetus from which the cells are derived.

So, the stem cell has been attracting attention recently.

幹細胞を使って中枢神経機能を再生する方法としては,幹細胞を移植する方法と患者の体内にある神経幹細胞が分化するように誘導する方法とが考えられている。前者の細胞移植には,次の3つの方法が考えられている。(1)初期胚から取り出したES細胞を増殖させ,その細胞から神経幹細胞あるいはニューロンを誘導して移植する (2)胎児や成人の脳から神経幹細胞を取り出し,培養・増殖して脳内に移植する (3)骨髄間質に存在する間葉系幹細胞などといった他の幹細胞から神経系の細胞を誘導して移植する。

評価 60
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/05/13 04:14:28に投稿されました
With regards to therapies using stem cells to restore some central nervous function to the patients, there are methods which involve transplants of stem cells and methods that involve trying to guide the differentiation of nerve stem cells within the patients body. The former type, cell transplantation, has three different methods. 1) Cultivating stem cells taken from early stage fetuses, then implanting them after encouraging them to develop into nerve cells or neuron cells. 2) Taking stem nerve cells from later stage fetuses or adult brains, then cultivating and implanting them into the patient's brain. 3) Encouraging other types of stem cells, such as the mesenchymal cells present in the bone marrow, to grow into nervous cells, and then transplanting them.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/05/13 05:14:15に投稿されました
To regenerate central nerve functions by using stem cells, for exapmle, implant stem cells or induce neural stem cells to differentiate in the patient body.

There're three methods for the cell transplantation.

(1)Proliferate embryo-derived stem cells come out of early embryo, and induce neural stem cells or neurons from the cells and implant them.

(2)Take out neural stem cells from fetus or adult brain, and proliferate cultured neural stem cells and implant them in brain.

(3)Induce mesenchymal stem cells in bone marrow stroma and implant them.


評価 60
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/05/13 04:29:40に投稿されました
Method 1), which uses embryo stem cells, is considered to be the most effective, and I will examine it next. Embryo stem cells can be cultivated quickly, and since they can differentiate into a wide variety of different cells, as a transplantable cell, has the greatest potential. Next, I will examine the methods of encouraging the differentiation of embryo stem cells into nervous cells, and the possibility of restoring central nervous function using such cells.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/05/13 05:49:17に投稿されました
I will explain embryo-derived stem cell, which is the most effective.

(1)Embryo-derived stem cells has high proliferation rate and can become various stem cells, so it has potential capacity.

Focus on to induce neural cells from Embryo-derived stem cells and its implantation, and I will introduce the possibility of the regeneration of central nerve function.



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