[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] 日々が経過するにつれ、我々は米国へ移動すべきだと感じるようになっていた。我々は我々のオフィスを敏速に立ち上げる必要があった。問題だったのは、我々はある時、...

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startupdatingによる依頼 2012/05/06 22:07:08 閲覧 1951回
残り時間: 終了

Funnily enough, we also have a lot of money owed by customers. In Asia, there’s a lot of collection problems. We spent time chasing money, often getting cheques that we cannot cash. There was one large company that didn’t pay for 18 months. And that sum of money isn’t much to them. It was these small things that were hurting us. We were losing energy in places that were quite marginal. And hiring people to chase money just didn’t seem right.


So, as we went along, we started to realize that we need to move to the US. We needed to build our office very quickly. The challenge was that at one point we needed to move the company, or there would have been no way we could survive. It’s like a turtle hatchling, when it goes out to the water it needs to keep on swimming. However, most of our tech team are non-Singaporean, so it’s hard to move them to the US, and there’s a whole other bunch of issues.


SGE: So why not pivot to something else?

There were a lot of personal things we had to put on hold to do Chalkboard. Besides those, we don’t have any other ideas because we were so focused on doing one thing. So our choice was either we continue this, burn the capital that we have, keep these people doing some random stuff, which we were doing anyway. But it wasn’t worth it, we’re wasting the time of everybody involved.

SGE: では、なぜ何か他のことに方向転換しなかったのか?

Chalkboard をするために保留にしていた個人的なことがたくさんあった。それ以外にも、1つのことに没頭していたので他に何のアイデアもない。だから、私達の選択肢は、この事業を継続して持っている資金を使い切るか、スタッフを維持して今までのように単発的なビジネスを処理するかだった。でもそれでは意味がないし、この事業にかかわったすべての人の時間を無駄にしていた。

So, let’s take a step back, clean up the slate, and start afresh. And the most important thing is, I believe in teams a lot. You want to get the right team, and the right set of goals. It’s like being a football manager, if you’re Chelsea playing Liverpool, and they play lightning fast, you’d want a defensive team. If they play slow, you want a different composition of team to play against them.

If we don’t know the problem, I won’t know what team to have. I don’t want to take a team and try to fix a problem. We were still not sure how to tackle the problem related to our ambition, whether we have the platform to achieve that. Whether we needed to change the business idea.



SGE: You mentioned the Market-Investor-Ambition acronym you and Bernard came up with. Was there a mismatch between your ambitions and investors?

The way I look at this is that when you have a billion dollar idea you have to work hard and keep plugging away without worrying about all these other distractions. Look at Foursquare, they’re going for global domination. Look at the Samwer Brothers. From their perspective, either you’re number one or you don’t bother.

SGE: Bernard と一緒に作り出した「MIA」という造語について、自身の野心と投資家との間に食い違いは?

私の見方は、大きな成功をもたらすようなアイデアを持っていれば、気の散るようなことはいっさい考えず、必死に働きコツコツと努力をしなければならないということ。例えば、Foursquare はグローバル展開しているし、Samwer Brothers を見ると、ナンバーワンでなければ意味がないというのが彼らの見解だ。

That’s the psyche from everybody, from their investors and founders: They’re going for global domination. That’s what Joi brought to the table. He allowed us to freely focus on those areas. That’s something very distinct and unique, compared to those other groups of [investors].

We don’t want to worry about a whole bunch of other stuff. For example, if you look at the startups in the US. They hired lawyers, and more. Why? They just want to make sure that their product just get shipped out in this particular time in this particular way, and they want to make sure consumers are happy.

それが皆のそして投資家や設立者の心理で、皆グローバル展開をしようとしている。Joi もそのことを持ち出した。彼はそのことについて私達に自由に焦点を絞らせてくれた。これは他の投資家と比べて非常に珍しく独特なことだ。


When we told them our options and considerations, they understood where it’s gonna be. Joi and James [from Neoteny] were aware of the situation, knew things weren’t the way we hoped for. We were lucky to have them, and they were understanding and empathetic.

私達が自分達のオプションや検討事項を伝えた時、Joi と James(Neoteny社)はどういう展開になるかを理解してくれた。両氏ともにどんな状況にあるかを察知しており、私達が望んだようには物事が進んでいないことを知っていた。彼らと一緒に働けて良かったと思う。彼らには理解力があるし思いやりがある。

SGE: What are your personal plans moving forward, and how did you disband the team?

We made sure everyone in the team could find positions. Everyone was taken care of. We had a couple of guys we’ve kept on board to take care of existing clients. One of them I’m doing a project with right now. A lot of others chose to go back to their home countries because they’re more comfortable there. Some of them got into other companies.

We’ve been doing the wind up process for a while. It was just a matter of coming up with an exit plan. We started cutting our cost structure so it doesn’t burn cash and we saved some capital. We threw a party, and sold our furniture.

SGE: 今後の個人の計画は?チームの解散はどのように行なったのか?



That’s how life is, it’s a game of poker. We go round after round. Sometimes you’re in a startup environment but sometimes in a corporate environment. We chose to wrap up, picked the ending we wanted, and when to say goodbye.

End. Interview conducted by Gwendolyn Regina Tan.

Note: Bernard Leong is also the co-founder of SGE.



インタビューアー:Gwendolyn Regina Tan

注釈:Bernard Leong 氏は SGE の共同設立者でもある。


2015/01/21 数字表記についてアップデート済
THE BRIDGE(旧StartupDating)からの記事の依頼です。Tech in Asia、TechNode、e27などの記事の翻訳を依頼します。

*$:米ドル(例:US$250 million→2億5000万米ドル、15,000→1万5000 etc)

・angel investor:エンジェル投資家
・serial entrepreneur:シリアルアントレプレナー
・disruptive:震撼させるような、揺るがすような、革命を起こすほどのetc -> スタートアップシーンでは度々使われる単語です。単語で訳すのではなく、都度コンテクストと合わせて文章として意味が通じるように訳してください。


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