Photocus App Puts Your Photo-Sharing Exploits Into Groups
Photo-sharing apps are hot right now – as seen by Facebook’s perhaps surprising acquisition of Instagram – but the photos that we lovingly tweak and share just tend to vanish into the ether, having a half-life of the attention span of the average web user. The gorgeous-looking Chinese-made app Photocus wants to give your photos a bit more longevity and usefulness by helping put them into groups that can be browsed easily.
That means your photos have more of a chance of sticking around and being associated with a certain place or object. Groups within the city-wide ones, as pictured above for Shenzhen, the city that’s home to Dingus, the startup that created Photocus. So you can create a specialized group within your city, say for “The Cutest Pet I’ve Ever Seen” or whatever takes your fancy.
Photocus has versions of its app for iOS, Android, and Windows Phone, which all look quite similar, using the large tiles mode of interface that was pioneered by Flipboard (and, by the way, we’re on Flipboard here). From the app you can share images to Facebook, Tencent Weibo, or Sina Weibo – which are also the third-party login options.
つまり、自分の写真が長く閲覧され、ある特定の場所やオブジェクトに関連づけされるチャンスが高くなるということだ。このアプリは、街全体の中でグループをつくることができる。上の写真は深圳で、Photocusを設立したDingus が拠点をおいている街だ。利用者は自分が住んでいる街の中で特別なグループ、例えば「今まで見たなかで一番かわいいペット」やその他自分が思い描くグループなら何でも作ることができる。
Photocusには iOS版、Android版、Windows Phone版があるが、どれも見た目はほぼ同じで、Flipboardが初めに作った大きなタイル形式のインターフェースになっている(ところで、Tech In Asia もFliapboardデビューをした、こちらをクリック)。同アプリは、Facebook、Tencent Weibo(騰訊微博)や Sina Weibo(新浪微博)でも写真をシェアすることができる。これらはすべてサードパーティ・ログイン・オプションとなる。
The app has location-based elements as well, with the possibility that it might help you connect with folks in your city who have similar interests, which is generally not seen with photo-sharing apps. The groups aspect to it resembles Pinterest, of course, except that Photocus offers a purer photographic experience, free of the Pinterest – and Pinterest clones – motivator of people trying to drive traffic to their own e-commerce stores.
Photocusには位置情報機能もあり、同じ街で似たような事に関心のある人と知り合えるかもしれない。これは写真共有アプリには珍しい機能だ。同アプリのグループ機能は Pinterest に似ている。Pinterest の人気を考えれば、当然のことだ。でも、似ているというだけで、Photocus は純粋に写真を楽しむサービスを提供している。 Pinterest や Pinterestクローンアプリのように、利用者をeコマースサイトに誘導するようなことはない。
After trying it out on my Android phone, I must say that Photocus is the most pleasant new app I’ve encountered from a Chinese startup this year (albeit ridiculously buggy in its Android iteration), making me feel that it had nicely refined and expanded the photo-sharing experience without in any way spoiling it. Yes, it is yet another photo app, but it’s not just another photo app.
Get Photocus via its homepage.
Photocus のダウンロードは同社のホームページで。