There are several tells that the bag is fake. I used to work at the LV store in Montreal and know how to spot a fake. Also, I bought this bag because I thought is was coming from Australia but instead is came from Japan. Japan is known to be amazing at knocking off the Keepall 50.
I don't want to pay for the shipping back to you since I'm returning it because the bag is fake- I shouldn't have to spend another dime to get my money back- especially since this bag isn't even worth shipping back (since its fake).
Please set up a pick up on your shipping account or give me your shipping account number so I can send it back asap.
数名の人が、バッグは偽物だと言っています。私は以前にモントリオールにあるルイヴィトンのお店で働いた経験もあり、偽物の見分け方も心得ております。私は、オーストラリア産だと思って、このバッグを購入したのですが、実は日本製でした。日本は、Keepall 50の値引きがすごいと有名です。