Learn How to Speak “American”
Sometimes different accents are so difficult to understand, they sometimes sound like a different language all together. Originally in Beijing, many American friends couldn’t understand my Australian English accent. But after hanging out with so many for so long, my accent has become a blend where sometimes even Americans think I am American.
Since communication is such an important part of life, a new app called ‘ICANSIA American Accent for Chinese Speakers’, available on the Apple App Store, has been released to help people understand each other better. The app teaches you how to speak with a more natural American accent using speech training techniques and exercises. The accent coaching market is not very widely known, but apparently it is in demand from business people, people that want to adapt to a new country and of course actors. Perhaps it would suit Chinese students who are preparing to study in America and want to assimilate faster.
コミュニケーションは人生の重要事だ。だから、”ICANSIA 中国語話者のためのアメリカ風アクセント”という新しいアプリ(アップルのApp Storeで購入可)は、人がお互いもっと分かり合える一助となるべくリリースされた。このアプリで会話トレーニングのコツを学び、練習を通じて自然なアメリカ人のアクセントで喋れるようになる。訛り矯正の市場はあまり広く認知されていないが、出張先の国や当然ながらそこの人々に、順応していきたいというビジネスの人間からの需要があるのだ。アメリカへの留学を考えていて、早く馴染みたいと思っている中国人学生にも役立つかもしれない。
The surprising thing is that this app wasn’t even developed by a native American. It was developed by Claudette Roche, an English born accent coach who now lives in Los Angeles. Roche says her unique talent for accents was amplified by her constant surrounding of different accents including English (Cockney, London, Manchester etc), Irish, Jamaican, Indian, Scottish, Italian, French (France, Morocco, Québec), Greek, Russian, Chinese, Polish, Canadian, New Yorkese, Lebanese. Roche is also an award winning actress and a veteran of stage and screen. She has appeared in TV shows such as The Game, Cold Case and Without a Trace.
驚くことに、このアプリはネイティブのアメリカ人によって開発されたものではなかった。イギリス生まれのアクセントのコーチで現在はロス在住のClaudette Rocheによって開発されたのだ。
Rocheによると、アクセントに対するユニークな才能はイギリスアクセント(コクニー、ロンドン、マンチェスター、その他)を含む、アイルランド、ジャマイカ、インド、スコットランド、イタリア、フランス(フランス、モロッコ、ケベック)、ギリシャ、ロシア、中国、ポーランド、カナダ、ニューヨーク、レバノンアクセントの英語がいつも飛び交う環境に彼女がいた事が大きく影響したそうだ。Rocheは映画や舞台で賞を獲得したこともあるベテランの女優でもある。彼女は、The Game, Cold Case and Without a Trace等のテレビ番組にも出演していた。
I played around with the app a bit and it seems more like an instructional video than an interactive app. She (Roche) first explains a word like “or”, and tells you how you would probably say it then tells you how an American would say it. Then you practice by repeating how she said it.
The first release is aimed at native Chinese speakers to learn the American accent but, there are other languages in the pipeline too, namely Japanese, Korean, Indian, Spanish and Russian.
So if you have a real need to learn to speak like an American; or just want to be better understood by your American friends, try it out.