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He also read business books, science books and novels. One of his favorites was Catcher in the Rye, and he would later recite long extracts of the book to his girlfriends. Holden Caulfield, the main character, became one of his heroes.
For the time being, however, any plans young Bill might have for forming a software company with his high school friend and fellow hacker were put on hold. His parents insisted that he should go to college; they felt it would be good for him to mix with other students.
しなしながら当面は、高校の友人や仲間のハッカーとソフトウェア会社を 作り上げるという若いビルの計画は保留にされた。彼の両親は彼に大学に行くよう要求した。両親は彼が他の学生たちと交わることが良いと考えたのだ。