We recently received a package (from the seller Ground Ctrl) to your attention that has a discrepancy from the merchant invoice compared to what is actually present in your package.
2 items were listed on your packing list, but we received a total of 4 items within that package.
Please contact your vendor, for more information regarding your order if the information is incorrect.
The hold has been removed from the package and you can select it for shipment at any time.
If you have any further questions, please let us know.
Kind Regards,
先頃、私共にて貴方宛の荷物を受け取りましたが(Ground Ctrlというセラー様からのものになります)、実際に梱包されている商品内容と販売業者の請求書梱包リスト上の商品内容に相違がありました。