[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] AwesomeShipが、香港のStartup Weekendを圧巻 BootUP!という名のもとに、いくつかのウィークエンドスタートアップインキュ...

この英語から日本語への翻訳依頼は monagypsy さん kaory さんの 2人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 9件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 3062文字

naokeyによる依頼 2011/12/26 23:06:16 閲覧 1216回
残り時間: 終了

AwesomeShip Conquers Hong Kong Startup Weekend

After running a couple of weekend startup incubators under the BootUP! name, we hooked up with the global Startup Weekend organization to do another event. The first two being held in BootHK limited the available size to around 20, but we were able to score a great venue at the M-Lab facilities in Kowloon Tong, giving us room for 50 partcipants. This also helped with reaching into the local college community, since it is a part of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University school of design.


週末は数週間にわたって、BootUP!という名のスタートアップインキュベーターである我々は、別のイベントのためにグローバル展開をしているスタートアップウィークエンド団体に携わってきた。初めの2つのイベントはおよそ20人の利用に限られたBootHKで開かれたが、Kowloon TongにあるM-Labの施設で大きな会場を借りることができたので50人の参加者にスペースを提供した。これにより地方の大学コミュニティの参加を促し、香港理工大学の計画の一部となっている。

Seven teams built startups from Friday night until Sunday evening. The ideas ranged from helping consumers manage loyalty cards to preparing your digital assets for when you die. Similarly, participants varied in their backgrounds and gave a good mix of business, development, and design experts to put together some great prototypes.

The winner for the weekend is AwesomeShip (http://awesome-ship.com). They created a service that notifies customers when a package ships or has major status changes, such as if it is about to be delivered. This will keep the customer experience consistent, even between different shipping methods, and has been shown to reduce the customer service overhead within companies.


この週末起業の優秀者はAwesomeShip (http://awesome-ship.com)である。カスタマーにパッケージが出荷されるとき、時期や大きな変更がある場合は通知するサービスを提供するようにした。これは配送方法が異なる場合でもカスタマーの履歴を一貫して保存し、会社間でカスタマーサービスの間接費を削減しようというものである。

The bigger story, however, comes after the weekend was over. This last week was global entrepreneurship week, and around the world forty eight different cities hosted Startup Weekend events and now they are all battling to the death on a small island in the Pacific. (That last part is not quite true, but could be cool.)

What has happened in Hong Kong is quite interesting, and I would like to have feedback on if this has happened in other locations. Many of the other participants are now working on AwesomeShip to help them pull together the website, PR, and even basic branding.



They are taking to the streets of Hong Kong to spread the word about what is going on and to help promote both AwesomeShip and their experience in Startup Weekend tonight in Lan Kwai Fong.

What’s Next

At least four of the teams have expressed interest in moving ahead with their projects. One of them is already committing two people full time to the venture and will be taking up some space in one of the local cowork spaces. At least one of the investors that attended the final pitches has followed up with me and is interested in talking to the teams for potential deals.

それに香港の街に出て今何が起きているのかをアピールしてまわり、今夜は Lan Kwai Fong(蘭桂坊)でAwesomeShipとStartup Weekendでの経験を高めていこうとしている。



The overall feedback is that the resulting prototypes and plans were very good quality, and it was difficult for the judges to come up with the outstanding winner.

The next Startup Weekend event will be in 3-6 months. We will be looking at potentially doing a Cantonese version to help reach out to the local community more (although, most participants this time were local Hong Kong Chinese already). If you are interested in the Hong Kong tech startup community, StartupsHK has weekly Startup Monday (#SUMHK) meetups at BootHK, and there are a variety of other events happening in what has turned into a very active and cohesive community in the last two years.


次のStartup Weekenイベントは、3-6カ月内に行われる。私達はよりローカルコミュニティーに(今回はほとんどの参加者が地元の香港系中国人であったけれど)到達することができるように、広東語バージョンを行う可能性を目論んでいる。もしあなたが香港のテックスタートアップコミュニティに興味があるなら、StartupHKはBootHKで毎週Startup Monday(#SUMHK)が行われている。そして、過去2年においてとてもアクティブで結合力のあるコミュニティーとなった様々な他のイベントがある。





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