[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] このステップのカギは、ユーザーのデータを集めて、それを商品に応じて統合することです。彼はABのテスト例を示しました。もし、起業家がどっちの色のフォントを使...

この英語から日本語への翻訳依頼は lyunuyayo さん monagypsy さん nobeldrsd さん zhizi さん diego さん [削除済みユーザ] さんの 6人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 21件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 4027文字 で、翻訳完了までにかかった時間は 3時間 19分 です。

naokeyによる依頼 2011/11/18 12:20:56 閲覧 2976回
残り時間: 終了

How Innovation Works Works: Lee Kai-Fu on Entrepreneurship in China

CEO and founder of Innovation Works, Lee Kai Fu, spoke at Qinghua University this past Saturday. Besides sharing his thoughts on mobile Internet trends, Lee also talked about how Innovation Works works. Don’t expect to learn any insider secrets or magic formulae leaked by Lee and his team. He gave a pretty general introduction on how his fund works, good enough for entrepreneurs to understand how Innovation Works can help scale their business from nothing to something.

どのように Innovation Worksに取り組むのか:中国の企業家精神についてLee Kai-Fu氏

Innovation WorksのCEOであり創業者のLee Kai Fu氏は、先週土曜日精華大学で講演した。彼のモバイルインターネット傾向についての考えを共有することに加え、LeeはどのようにInnovation Worksに取り組むのかということについても話した。Leeとそのチームによりリークされた内部機密やマジック式を学ぶことに期待してはいけない。彼はファンドがどのように取り組み、企業家がInnovation Worksが何もないところから何かあるものまでのビジネススケールに支援する方法を理解するのに十分な、非常に一般的な概論を授けた。

Lee began by explaining that the investing landscape has changed. He attributes the boom in elastic cloud computing, social media marketing, and open source concept which brings the costs and time required for development and promotion. He said that with 1.5 million RMB (approximately USD $235,000), it allows founders to build a team to test out a product concept for about nine months. Lee explains that a typical team includes one CEO, one CTO, one user experience designer, and seven developers.

To Lee, the entrepreneur’s sweet spot is currently in the mobile Internet. For investors, the sweet spot is in early stage investing.



Lee says that entrepreneurs should focus most of their time building their product. He says that standalone entrepreneurs usually have to handle administration matters, like accounting, legal, recruiting, and permit registration which takes the focus away from the product.

But at Innovation Works, entrepreneurs don’t have to worry about these administration issues as they are taken care of. Innovation Works also has its own in-house designers, office spaces, and legal consultants to lighten their burden.


だが、Innovation Worksでは、起業家はそれらの管理業務を気にしなくてもよい。というのは、それらの事については面倒を見てくれるからだ。また、Innovation Worksには社内デザイナー、事務所、負担を軽減してくれる法務のコンサルタントもいる。

And on product development, Innovation Works adopts the lean start-up model. Entrepreneurs backed by Innovation Works are pushed to launch their minimal viable product (MVP) to the market to collect user data. Lee says that the MVP should take around three months to develop and emphasized that it doesn’t matter if the MVP has flaws, as long as it helps solve the problem that was identified by the entrepreneur.

プロダクトの開発に関しては、Innovation Worksは「無駄のないスタートアップモデル」を採用している。Innovation Worksに支援されている起業家は、ユーザーデータを集めるために必要最小限の機能を備えたプロダクト(MVP)を市場に出すよう要請される。李氏は、MVPの開発には3か月が必要で、起業家が認識している問題が解決されるならば、そのMVPに欠陥があってもそれは問題ではないと強調した。

The key for this step is to collect user data and iterate the product accordingly. He gave a simple AB testing example: If an entrepreneur can’t decide which colored fonts to use, test it by giving half of the users color A and the other half color B. If the data (time spent on site or bounce rate) reflected that color A is better, then it is obvious that color A should be used for all users. The process of build-measure-learn will continue as a cycle of improving the product.

From what I understand, Innovation Works is very particular with two criteria when choosing its investment:


私が理解するに、Innovation Worksは投資をする際、2つの基準を細かく見る。

1. Explosive growth in an industry
2. Talented entrepreneurs who will be driving the vision

Once these two criteria are met (on top of its other criteria, etc), Innovation Works is happy to provide funds to let the entrepreneurs develop their products, market it at low cost, gather data, and improve the product. If the product proves to be good, Innovation Works may invest in the start-up again.

Lee is skeptical that Chinese fresh graduates with little experience can be good entrepreneurs. Of course, his remarks caused quite a big reaction from the moderator and the crowd. The moderator listed a lot of examples of drop-out/fresh from school entrepreneurs, including Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg.


(その他の基準などもクリアして)上記2つの基準に達すれば、Innovation Worksは喜んで出資をし、起業家はプロダクトを開発し、低価格で販売して、データを集めてプロダクトを改良することができる。プロダクトが認められれば、Innovation Worksが再びそのスタートアップ企業に投資をすることもある。


While Lee said that there might be a slim chance that there are such talents in China, he feels that it is more sensible, for now, to invest in founders who are proven or at least have working experience. He urged aspiring fresh graduate entrepreneurs to gain some experience first before setting up their own business. He says that it is an uphill battle for fresh graduates with little experience to fight against experienced entrepreneurs like Lei Jun.

Lee also says that Chinese entrepreneurs need to be aware of giant companies like Tencent, Baidu, and Alibaba who might just see the same opportunity as them and crash their party.


彼は、意欲的な新卒の起業家達に、事業を始める前に経験を積む事を訴えた。経験のほとんどない新人が、Lei Junの様な経験豊富な起業家に立ち向かうのは、至難の業だ、とも述べた。






  • Word、Excel、PowerPointなど様々なファイル形式に対応
  • 文字数の上限がなく、素早い納品
  • よりスキルの高い翻訳者が担当
