[英語からインドネシア語への翻訳依頼] Comfort mode Off mode A bit warm A bit cold Comfy Add to Siri Set Comfort Mod...

この英語からインドネシア語への翻訳依頼は mdaniramadhan_26 さん gvtw_85 さん thifaan さんの 3人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 2件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 708文字 で、翻訳完了までにかかった時間は 0時間 27分 です。

ambiclimateによる依頼 2019/03/25 15:49:10 閲覧 1795回
残り時間: 終了

Comfort mode
Off mode
A bit warm
A bit cold
Add to Siri
Set Comfort Mode in <device>
Turn off AC in Bedroom
It's A Bit Warm in Kitchen
It's A Bit Cold in Living Room
Feel Comfy in Office
Ambi will keep you comfy
Save energy
Ambi will learn your preference
Ambi will take care of you
Ambi will keep you happy
You can say something like...
"Rise and shine"
"Doze off"
"Sweaty Dory"
"Frosty snowman"
After you record your personalized phrase, Siri can use it to tell Ambi Climate to run this shortcut.
OK. Sent.
AC in <device> is set to Comfort Mode.
AC in <device> is turned off.
Ambi will act on that.
Ambi is working on that.
I'm glad Ambi is keeping you comfy.
Show location, device name, room temperature & room humidity

Comfort mode : Mode nyaman
Off mode : Mode non-aktif
A bit warm : Agak hangat
A bit cold : Agak dingin
Comfy : Nyaman
Add to Siri : Tambahkan ke Siri
Set Comfort Mode in <device> : Atur Mode Nyaman di <perangkat>
Turn off AC in Bedroom : Matikan AC di Kamar tidur
It's A Bit Warm in Kitchen : Agak Hangat di Dapur
It's A Bit Cold in Living Room : Agak Dingin di Ruang Tamu
Feel Comfy in Office : Merasa nyaman di kantor
Ambi will keep you comfy : Ambi akan membuatmu nyaman
Save energy : Hemat energy
Ambi will learn your preference : Ambi akan mempelajari preferensi Anda
Ambi will take care of you : Ambi akan menjagamu
Ambi will keep you happy : Ambi akan membuatmu senang
You can say something like... : Anda dapat mengatakan sesuatu seperti...
"Rise and shine" : "Bangkit dan bersinar"
"Doze off" : "Tertidur sebentar"
"Sweaty Dory" : "Dory berkeringat"
"Frosty snowman" : "Manusia salju yang beku"
"Fluffy" : "Halus"
After you record your personalized phrase, Siri can use it to tell Ambi Climate to run this shortcut. : Setelah Anda merekam frase pribadi Anda, Siri dapat menggunakannya untuk memberi tahu Ambi Climate untuk menjalankan pintasan ini.
OK. Sent. : OK. Terkirim.
AC in <device> is set to Comfort Mode. : AC di <perangkat> diatur ke Mode Nyaman.
AC in <device> is turned off. : AC di <perangkat> dimatikan.
Ambi will act on that. : Ambi akan menindaklanjutinya.
Ambi is working on that. : Ambi sedang mengerjakan itu.
I'm glad Ambi is keeping you comfy. : Aku senang Ambi membuat kamu nyaman.
Show location, device name, room temperature & room humidity : Tampilkan lokasi, nama perangkat, suhu kamar & kelembaban kamar.



Can you put the translation next to it (line by line)? Thank you!


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