D. Blue indicator flash once every 5 seconds-Connected. E. Red indicator flash once every 20 seconds-Low battery.
Siri Voice Operation:
After the user of the ios system connects to the earphones and long press the master or slave earphone for 2 seconds,it hears a voice prompt “beep”and then release your finger. It can wake up or close the siri (this feature only supports ios users), and can be operated with voice after siri.
Use earphones again:
Take out of the right/left earphone from charging box,and after 3 seconds of touching, the voice prompt “power on” is released, the left and right earphones are automatically paired and the master is automatically connected to the Bluetooth(the last connected device).
D. 青色のインディケーターは5秒ごとに点滅し(接続済み)、赤色のインディケーターは20秒ごとに点滅します(低電圧)。