[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] SF New Tech Japan Night の出場者となる6社のベンチャー企業が選出された 土曜日に、東京にあるマイクロソフト社の日本事務所にて...

この英語から日本語への翻訳依頼は ksg1r さん tomoko16 さん zhizi さん nobeldrsd さん monagypsy さん kaory さん yakuok さんの 7人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 26件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 4580文字

naokeyによる依頼 2011/10/19 17:45:30 閲覧 2556回
残り時間: 終了

6 Start-ups Chosen As Finalists For SF New Tech Japan Night

On Saturday at Microsoft’s Japan office in Tokyo, there was a finalist selection event for the upcoming SF New Tech Japan Night. The event will spotlight the talent of Japan’s emerging tech start-ups to potential investors and the tech community in the San Francisco Bay Area. The event is sponsored by SF-based web consultancy Btrax, Inc and its coming event is scheduled to take place in San Francisco on November 3. (Live streaming is also planned.)

「SF New Tech Japan Night」出場のスタートアップ企業6社が決定

土曜日、日本マイクロソフトの東京オフィスで、まもなく開催される「SF New Tech Japan Night」への出場をかけた最終予選会が行なわれた。「SF New Tech Japan Night」への出場は、日本の新しいスタートアップ企業の才知にスポットライトをあて、サンフランシスコ・ベイエリア周辺の有力な投資家やハイテクコミュニティーの注目を浴びることになる。同イベントはサンフランシスコに拠点をおくウェブ・コンサルタント企業のビートラックス(Btrax)の主催で、11月3日にサンフランシスコで行なわれる(ライブ・ストリーミングも予定されている)。

The preliminary selection event started with a keynote speech by Brandon Hill, who is a Japanese-American born on Japan’s northern island of Hokkaido. He is the founder/CEO of btrax, and he has argued that Japanese start-ups need to appeal not only to the local community in Japan, but to global community as well.

Twelve start-ups were nominated, and six of them were chosen by juries as finalists to present in front of several hundreds of tech geeks in the capital of digital innovation next month.

Here are the twelve start-ups as well as some of comments from the juries and the audience. All the pitches were made in English, and the event was emceed by PO contributor Yukari Mitsuhashi.


スタートアップ企業12社がノミネートされており、その中から「SF New Tech Japan Night」出場企業として6社が審査員によって選ばれる。出場企業は、デジタル革新の中心地サンフランシスコで来月、ハイテク専門家数百人の前でプレゼンテーションを行なう。

予選選考会に出場した12社および審査員や観客からのコメントは以下の通り。プレゼンはすべて英語で行なわれ、司会はPenn Olsonの寄稿者である三橋ゆか里が務めた。

1. Balloon by Nagisa, Inc.

This start-up aims to develop a new promotional media platform bridging advertisers and consumers. Balloon is a smartphone app that combines three functions: free group chat, free group calling, and photo sharing with effects.

They fundraised from Tokyo-based incubators NetAge and Samurai Incubate.




2. Bookpic by Bijutsu Shuppan Networks

The company is a subsidiary of a 100-year-old art book publisher. They introduced Bookpic, an e-publication viewer that allows users to share your comments on what you’re reading with others via Facebook and Twitter.

Brandon pointed out (as a jury member) that there are many competitors in this area and encouraged the presenter to check out Copia as an example, which is an e-book reader aimed at sharing book reading experiences and building a community online.




3. Conyac by Anydoor

Conyac is a crowdsource translation platform that allows you to ask others to translate your text to the other languages.. When a potential translator signs up with the service, he or she will be qualified by confirming if he or she can really understand an originated language by using the CAPTCHA-like technology. Multiple translators will submit their translations, and the user is allowed to pick the best. This works as a qualification process and contributes to refining the result. That’s why the service is drastically cheaper than professional translators or translation agencies, the start-up’s CEO/co-founder Naoki Yamada says.

3.Conyac(コニャック): 株式会社エニドア


4. Facematch by Facematch <chosen as a finalist>

This web app was developed at Breakthrough Camp, a two-month-long camp for university/college students to launch their tech start-ups on summer vacation. It won the first prize among 24 teams.

The idea of the app is very simple. You might see a cute girl or a good-looking guy at a party but miss the chance to talk with them. It’s possible that he or she could be a friend of a friend on Facebook.

4. FacematchのFacematch <ファイナリストに選定される>

このアプリは 大学生が自分たちの技術を起業に繋げるために参加したBreakthrough Campという2か月間の開発合宿で開発され、24チームの中で一番になったものである。

The app helps you try to connect with people of similar interest by using the Facebook Friend API. You can try to find out which friend’s friend he or she is with the app, and try to connect with him or her. If both sides mutually approve, the connection request will be approved. Additionally, the app is expected to present a selection of discount coupons from restaurants and various merchandise.

このアプリは、Facebook Friend APIを利用して、同じような興味を持つ者同士を

5. Grow! by Grow! <chosen as a finalist>

Grow is a platform that allows blog readers to submit tips to blog publishers. It works like Twitter’s retweet button or Facebook’s Like button embedded in a blog post, but by clicking on the Grow! button, you can tip the blog author.

Users of the service can sign up with their PayPal accounts and charge up with the reward points for their Grow! accounts beforehand. Publishers or blog authors who have received points can exchange them for real money at a rate of 1 US dollar for 100 Grow! points.




6. MidoNet by Midokura <chosen as a finalist>

Midokura is a cloud-enabling company developing a technology to replace the conventional physical devices such as routers with a virtual entity that can be managed on the web. As we mentioned here on PO, the start-up raised 100 million yen from several institutional investors such as NTT Investment Partners. The team consists of 14 members including nine engineers, some of whom were formerly working with a Google cloud-related department and Amazon Web Services.

6.ミドクラのMidoNet <ファイナリスト確定>

ミドクラは、クラウドエネーブリングサービスを提供する企業で、ウェブ上で管理できるバーチャルエンティティを用い、ルーターなど従来のフィジカルデバイスにとってかわる技術開発を行っている。我々がここ PO で述べたように、このスタートアップ企業は、既に NTT Investment Partners を含むいくつかの投資団体から1億円もの資金調達を行っている。企業の担当チームは、14名のメンバー、うち9名のエンジニアから構成されており、その中の数名は以前 Google のクラウド関連部署と Amazon Web Services にて従事していた者だ。





  • Word、Excel、PowerPointなど様々なファイル形式に対応
  • 文字数の上限がなく、素早い納品
  • よりスキルの高い翻訳者が担当
