[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] コーディングを学ぶことの最も重要な成果は、プログラマーとその仕事に敬意を払えるようになったことだった。技術のわかる共同創立者を探すマッケッターであれば、結...

この英語から日本語への翻訳依頼は [削除済みユーザ] さん henno さん monagypsy さん spontaneousmind さん coconut さんの 5人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 20件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 3632文字

naokeyによる依頼 2011/10/11 10:20:58 閲覧 2976回
残り時間: 終了

3 Tips For Tech Start-up Founders Who Can’t Code

Elisha Tan is the Founder of Learnemy, a web application that finds you instructors for anything you want to learn. The content of this post was shared in the recent Barcamp entitled “Hey I founded a tech startup…OH SHIT I CAN’T CODE”

The Internet is a great place to start up. The overhead costs are much lower, it is easier to scale and you can operate your business from just about anywhere. But when I started out, the only big problem was that I can’t code!


Elisha TanはLearnemyの創設者だ。Learnemyはあなたの学びたいどんなことでもそのインストラクターを見つけるウェブアプリケーションだ。この投稿の内容は先日のBarcampでの「よし技術系の会社を作ったよ、、、あ、でも俺プログラムかけねぇや」というタイトルの発表からの転載である。


Admittedly, in my short working experience, I’ve only done social media marketing and I have zero web design or development skills. So I jumped into learning Ruby on Rails, CSS, and HTML to develop Learnemy.com — the site that I’m running now.

And boy, that was really quite a task.

Having gone through this experience — from a non-techie to a somewhat tech-capable founder — I have three tips to share with fellow non-techie startup entrepreneurs.

疑いもなく、短い社会人経験の中で僕が携わったのはソーシャルメディアのマーケティングだけで、ウェブデザインもウェブ開発も経験はゼロだ。そこで僕は、Learnemy.com——僕が運営しているWebサイトだ——を開発するために、Ruby on RailsとCSS、HTMLを学び始めた。



1. Understand the tech but don’t be a CTO

Will the time spent learning how to code pay off? If you’re thinking this way, I’ll remind you that the goal here is not to become a CTO. It is for you to know enough and ship a minimal viable product out into the market. Putting out a skeleton product will definitely pay off. It will tell you know whether your product rocks or suck.

Plus, you can’t hire someone for a job scope that you don’t understand. And because you don’t know the exact job scope, you can’t tell if you’re getting bullshit when you outsource product development to third parties.

1. 技術を理解しろ、ただしCTOにはなるな

プログラムを学ぶのかかった時間は、ちゃんと対価として返ってくるのだろうか?もしそういうふうに考えるなら、ここであなたに覚えておいて欲しいのは、ここでの目的はCTO(最高技術責任者 )になることじゃない。必要なだけ知って、実現可能なぎりぎりの製品を市場に出すことこそ、あなたがすることだ。最小限の製品を生産することで、それは確実に対価として返ってくる。市場はあなたの製品が信頼できるものか、そうでないかを教えてくれる。


The most important outcome of learning how to code is that I’ve learned to respect programmers and their work. Too often, the calls of a marketer looking for a technical co-founder ends up on the very entertaining Whartonite Seeks Code Monkey site.

2. Learn CSS and HTML first

This is something I regret not starting earlier. If I could begin again, I would learn CSS and HTML before jumping into rails. Just by knowing how to manipulate the look of a website, you can create a really watered down product using static HTML.

コーディングを学ぶことの最も重要な成果は、プログラマーとその仕事に敬意を払えるようになったことだった。技術のわかる共同創立者を探すマッケッターであれば、結果として、”Whartonite Seeks Code Monkey”のような本当に楽しめるサイトに行き着くことになる。

Since Learnemy finds instructors based on learning needs, I made a static HTML page and used Wufoo to collect information on what my customers want to learn. With just that, Learnemy could be considered a working product.

Knowing CSS and HTML don’t make you an artist. As Picasso says, “Good artists copy, great artists steal.” So feel free to take inspiration from existing layouts and styles. Firebug is a great tool for you to do just that.


3. Learn from someone who can teach you personally

So now you’ve picked up CSS and HTML, and proved that there is a demand for your product. It’s time to dig into the back-end. When I asked people what language should I learn, the responses were something like this:

“Python is so easy! Look at him, he picked up Django in 3 weeks!” – a Python programmer"

“Learn Rails! The syntax is so simple!” – a Ruby on Rails programmer"

“Definitely PHP. Because Facebook uses PHP.” – a (you guessed it) PHP programmer"

3. あなたに個人的に教えてくれる人から学ぼう


「パイソンはすごい簡単だよ! 彼を見なよ。彼はDjangoを3週間で覚えたよ! - Python プログラマ」

「Railsを学びなよ! 文法がとてもシンプルだ。- Ruby on Railsプログラマ」

「PHPしかありえない。なぜならFacebookもPHPを使ってるし - (もう分かってると思うけど)PHPプログラマ」

All these are extremely confusing to a non-techie. So my advice to you is this: learn whatever language from someone who can teach you personally.

Learning from someone who can explain to you anything you don’t understand is a great time saver. I found my Rails instructor by hanging out at places filled with programmers, like Hackerspace or tech-related events. Alternatively, you can also use Learnemy to find them.

Starting up is hard. Starting up with tools you’re not familiar with is harder, though not impossible. In addition to the steps above, always remember not to give up. Good luck, fellow entrepreneurs!






startupdatingの記事翻訳です。"〜だ""〜である"調でお願いします。元記事: http://www.penn-olson.com/2011/10/03/3-tips-for-tech-start-up-founders-who-cannot-code/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+PennOlso


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