3.妻もとても大事なのですが、今は両親が一番大事だと感じています。 年を取ればとるほど両親へのありがたみを感じますし どんどん弱っていく姿を見ると支えてあげたいという気持ちも強くなります。
4.10年くらい前、東京などの都市部にいた時は神を信じていませんでした。 といいますか、忙しくて気持ちが向かなかったのかもしれません。
1. When I visited a saparated island in Japan at the age of 20, I felt that God exists by seeing overwhelming beauty of the nature.
2. Since I entered this school
3. I love my wife, but the most important persons for me now are my paretnts.
As I grow older, I feel more thanks for them. Seeing them get old and weak, I would like to support them sincerely.
4. I did not believe in God when I lived in Tokyo about 10 years ago. Probably, I was so busy and had no time to think about it.