[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] ソフトバンクは、既存の投資家クライナー・パーキンス・コーフィールド・アンド・バイヤーズと Sherpaloらと共に、InMobiがモバイル広告業界で世界の...

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naokeyによる依頼 2011/09/16 11:14:26 閲覧 1907回
残り時間: 終了

SoftBank Invests $200 Million in InMobi

Ka-ching! SoftBank invested $200 million in InMobi, the world’s largest independent mobile ad network, joining existing investors Kleiner, Perkins Caufield & Byers, and Sherpalo Ventures.

InMobi has offices in London, San Francisco, Bangalore, Tokyo, Nairobi, and Singapore
, serving over 165 countries and 340 million consumers, generating a whopping 47 billion mobile ad impressions per month.




The mobile ad network has attracted a lot of attention in recent months. First with its helpful market research report on the mobile industry, and second with its recent acquisition of U.S-based Sprout for its HTML5 rich-media mobile ads platform. With $200 million in the bank, we can very well expect InMobi to go through an aggressive expansion plan. But exactly how is something we all are interested to find out. Stay tuned.

Check out the full press release we received, below:



"SINGAPORE, SAN MATEO – 15 September, 2011 – InMobi, the world’s largest independent mobile ad network, and SOFTBANK Corp, completed a $200 million investment, early this week. The funding will take place in two tranches- $100 million in September 2011 followed by an equivalent tranche in April 2012.


Softbank joins existing investors Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers and Sherpalo Ventures in helping InMobi become a global leader in the mobile advertising industry. The $200 million investment, one of the largest to date in the mobile internet space , will help the company create value across the mobile ecosystem globally through world-class advertising, mobile payments using SmartPay™, and HTML5 rich media production and distribution using the recently acquired Sprout™ platform.

ソフトバンクは、既存の投資家クライナー・パーキンス・コーフィールド・アンド・バイヤーズと Sherpaloらと共に、InMobiがモバイル広告業界で世界の主要企業になるよう支援する。モバイルインターネット業界ではこれまでで最大級となる2億ドルの出資により、InMobiは世界に通用する広告、SmartPay(TM)を使ったモバイル決済、HTML5リッチメディアの製作、最近買収したSprout(TM)プラットフォームを通じて、世界のモバイルエコシステム全体で価値を創造することを促進させることができる。


Naveen Tewari, Founder & CEO of InMobi, commented: “The size of the investment and quality of investor validate the enormous potential in mobile today and strengthen our role in helping the industry evolve. We have already established ourselves as a leader in mobile advertising on every continent. This is just the beginning. With a global leader like Softbank behind us, we are now well positioned to fully capitalize on the opportunity before us through substantially increased product innovation, deeper market penetration, and acquisitions across the mobile ad value chain.”

InMobi創業者兼CEOのNaveen Tewari(ナヴィーン・テワリ)氏は「出資者の投資規模及び質は、今日のモバイル市場における大きな可能性を確実なものし、この業界を進化させる我々の役割を強化する。当社は既にすべての大陸のモバイル広告業界で主導者として確立している。これは始まりにすぎない。ソフトバンクのような世界的な企業が支援してくれることで、当社は今、十分に高い製品イノベーション、より高い市場浸透度、モバイル広告のバリューチェーン全体の買収を通じて、目の前にある機会に十分出資できる状況にある。」と、コメントした。

“I am delighted at this opportunity to partner with InMobi, one the world’s largest mobile ad networks”, said Masayoshi Son, Chairman and CEO of Softbank. “I hope the partnership with InMobi, a fast-growing startup with significant mobile expertise and an outstanding technology platform; will further accelerate the pace of development in the mobile Internet space globally. We believe this partnership will help Softbank become the No. 1 Internet company in Asia and I look forward to working with the InMobi team.”


This partnership will provide Softbank and InMobi with opportunities to further explore global scale collaboration in the fast growing mobile ad market. It is also expected to generate further synergies between InMobi and Softbank, given the significant number of prominent Asian Internet companies in Softbank’s investment portfolio.

John Doerr, Managing Partner, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, said: “InMobi is a rapidly growing company in one of the most explosive technology sectors. InMobi delivers extraordinary value to publishers and advertisers globally. They are a leader in the mobile advertising revolution.”



Ram Shriram, Founder of Sherpalo Ventures added: “InMobi joins a select set of companies globally that have achieved massive scale in a short period of time. This investment is a strong validation of the mobile opportunity across the globe and InMobi’s ability to exploit to its full potential. Mobile and Smart Phones are changing the world for consumers, businesses, advertisers and publishers.”

Sherpalo Venturesの創業者 Ram Shriram (ラム・シュリラム)氏は、「InMobiは世界的に選ばれた企業群の仲間入りをした。それらの企業は短期間に大きな成果を上げている。今回の投資は、世界中のモバイル産業には大きな可能性があること、そしてInMobiにはその可能性を最大限に活かす能力があることを強く証明するものだ。モバイルやスマートフォンは、消費者、企業、広告主、パブシッシャーのために、世界を変えている。」と付け加え述べた。



startupdatingの記事翻訳です。"〜だ""〜である"調でお願いします。元記事: http://www.penn-olson.com/2011/09/15/softbank-invests-200-million-in-inmobi/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+PennOlson+%28Penn+O


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