Telegram now delivers 10B messages every day, up from 1B just 8 months ago
Telegram, the encrypted messaging app backed by VKontakte founders Nikolai and Pavel Durov, announced today that its users send 10 billion messages per day. That’s up from 1 billion daily messages in December.
That’s impressive, considering that people on Facebook, Messenger, and WhatsApp send a combined 45 billion messages each day, as Facebook said in April. WhatsApp on its own delivered 30 billion messages a day as of January.
暗号化メッセージアプリでVkontakteの設立者Nikolai Durov氏とPavel Durov氏を後ろ盾に持つTelegramは本日、ユーザーが1日あたり送信するメッセージが100億となったと発表した。これは12月の1日あたり10億メッセージから増加している。
“We launched our iOS app exactly two years ago,” Telegram wrote in a blog post announcing the news. “Now we’re delivering over 10 billion messages daily — that’s roughly the number of push notifications that are sent by Telegram each day. All thanks to you.”
In addition to its web app, Telegram has apps for many platforms, including Chrome OS, Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, and Windows Phone.
Other encrypted messaging apps include BitTorrent’s Bleep, Confide, Open Whisper Systems’ Signal/TextSecure, Peerio, and Wickr.
ウェブアプリに加え、Telegramはたくさんのプラットフォーム向けアプリがあり、Chrome OS、Windows、Mac、iOS、Android、Windows Phoneなどを含む。
他の暗号化メッセージングアプリにはBitTorrent’s Bleep、Confide、Open Whisper Systems’ Signal/TextSecure、Peerio、Wickrなどがある。